Bishop, the Hierophant
Bishops are priests who have dedicated themselves to the study of divine domains. As a result,
they gain special powers but they lose access to some of the high-level divine spells of Clerics.
Experienced Bishops can have up to six domain powers. They also have the potential to use Turn Undead against
many non-undead creatures.
Just like Clerics, Bishops can have any alignment and the deities that they serve can be benevolent
or malevolent. In terms of fighting ability, Bishops are inferior to fighters but better than
wizards. They can cast spells even when they are wearing heavy armour.
Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment
D8 Hit Die. Light, medium and heavy armour proficiency, light shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus maces proficiency. Bishops can be of any alignment.
Special Abilities
Spells: The leading ability for Bishop spells is Wisdom. A Bishop can activate Divine Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid and Cleric. Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Wisdom modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Bishop can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Bishops can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action. A character cannot have more than one summoned creature at a time. A Bishop draws his spells from the Cleric's list of spells and he can use his spells to counterspell.
Turn Undead: Bishops can turn undead a maximum number of times per day equal to 1 + base charisma modifier (minimum 1). Activating a domain power reduces the number of available turn undead uses by one. With turn undead, a bishop inflicts 1d6 points of damage per two bishop levels (rounded up) to all enemy undead creatures in a 30' radius cone. Undead who succeed on a willpower save reduce the damage by 50%. The Difficulty Class is 10 + half of bishop's level + bishop's Charisma modifier. Allied undead (including the bishop himself, if he's undead) are cured by the same amount rather than damaged. Undead creatures with turn resistance automatically reduce by 25% (Ghoul, Allip, Shadow, Spectre, Vampire Spawn, Wraith) or 50% (Ghost, Lich, Vampire) all turn damage and damage from positive energy. Turning is a standard action which does not trigger attacks of opportunity.
Domain Powers: During character creation, Bishops must select
two domain powers from the Cleric's list of domain powers. Additional domain powers must be selected
at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20. Domain powers are either supernatural abilities or spell-like abilities.
Some domain powers, like Healing or War, do not need to be activated.
Powers that require activation expend one use of Turn Undead every time they are activated.
Once your Turn Undead uses are exhausted, you cannot activate any more domain power for the day.
Some domain powers, like Death or Fire, can be activated no more than once per day.
Bishop Feats
Improved Turning: Your Turn Undead power also affects Elementals and Outsiders.
You deal damage to enemy creatures of these types and cure allied creatures of these types. However,
if an enemy creature's number of Hit Dice exceeds the level of the Bishop by five or more (for
example, a creature with 7 HD while the Bishop is level 2), then the damage is reduced by 50%.
Requires: Bishop Level 1.
Greater Turning: Your Turn Undead power also affects Aberrations, Dragons
and Constructs. You deal damage to enemy creatures of these types and cure allied creatures of these
types. However, if an enemy creature's number of Hit Dice exceeds the level of the Bishop by five or
more (for example, a creature with 7 HD while the Bishop is level 2), then the damage is reduced by
50%. With this feat, you can turn creatures of the following types: aberration, undead, construct, dragon, elemental and outsider,
but not creatures of the following types: animal, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid and ooze.
Requires: Bishop Level 1, Improved Turning.
Turning Strike: Your attacks against Undead creatures benefit from a +1 increase
in Attack Rolls and +2 increase in Damage Rolls. If you have the feat Improved Turning, your
attacks against Elementals and Outsiders also receive these increases. If you have the feat
Greater Turning, your attacks against Aberrations, Dragons and Constructs also receive these increases.
Greater Turning Strike: The Attack Roll bonus from Turning Strike increases from
+1 to +2 and the Damage Roll bonus increases from +2 to +4. Requires: Turning Strike, Level 12.
Widened Healing And Destruction: The radius of all your Mass Cure and Mass Inflict spells
increases from 10' to 15'. In addition, if you have the Rejuvenation Domain Power, the radius of
the Rejuvenation effect increases from 15' to 20'.
Fast Touch Domain Powers: You can activate the Domain Powers Blood, Weakness, Wilting,
Death, Madness, Paralysis, Disease, Curing and Sun with a Move Action rather than a Standard
Action. Requires: Level 6 and you must have one of the Touch Domain Powers.
Improved Curse: Targets affected by your Bestow Curse and Mass Bestow Curse spells
are also Dazed for one round, if they are not immune to mind-affecting effects and compulsion
effects. The difficulty class of both spells also increases by one point. This feat will
reduce the randomness of the effect of the spells Bestow Curse and Mass Bestow Curse, at
least during the first round of the effect.
Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all bishop spells
and spell-like abilities with a saving throw increases by 1.
Greater Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all bishop spells
and spell-like abilities with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires:
Spell Focus.
Improved Energy Defence: You can cast Protection from Energy, Mass Protection
from Energy and Greater Protection from Energy as move-action spells, rather than standard-action spells.
Extra Turning: You can use your Turn Undead ability, or activate a domain power, two more times
each day. In addition, the radius of your Turn Undead ability increases from 30 feet to 45 feet.
March 2011-2021. Last Update 30 September 2022. All rights reserved.