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Paladin, the Holy Crusader

The Paladin is also called Knight-Errant, Holy Warrior or Crusader. Paladins are pure and noble souls devoted to righteousness. Their duties include upholding the law, helping others, healing the wounded, protecting the innocent, supporting the oppressed and battling the forces of evil wherever they may hide.

Paladins are trustworthy and charismatic. They are selfless and do not care about the accumulation of wealth. Compassion, honour, faith, charity, truth, discernment, abstinence and forbearance are all important values to the Paladin. He can be merciful if he sees a potential for redemption.

A Paladin follows the laws of the land at all times, unless they contradict his efforts to do good. Some Paladins command the military forces of a church, while others work in small groups or individually.

Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment

D10 Hit Die. Proficient with all armour and with all shields. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus three selectable weapon-group proficiencies. Paladins must be of Lawful Good alignment.

Special Abilities

First Oath and Renewed Oath: The Paladin swears an Oath at level one. Each Oath grants different benefits. At level 11, the Paladin's Oath is renewed, unlocking additional benefits.

Oath of the Defender: at level 1, you gain six additional Hit Points and the Armour Class bonus from your spell Shield of Faith increases by one point. At level 11, you gain another eight additional Hit Points and the Caster Level of your spell Break Enchantment increases by one point.

Oath of the Hospitaler: at level 1, your Lay On Hands ability is improved from d6 to d8 and your spell Cure Light Wounds is empowered for free. At level 11, your Lay On Hands ability is improved from d8 to d10 and your spell Cure Serious Wounds is empowered for free.

Oath of the Avenger: at level 1, your Smite attack damage increases by two points and the bonuses from your spell Divine Favour increase by one point. At level 11, your Smite attack damage increases by another two points and the Difficulty Class of your spell Judgement increases by one point.

Oath of Devotion: at level 1, you gain one additional spell slot of level 1 and the spell level of your spell Freedom of Movement Touch is reduced by one. At level 11, you gain one additional spell slot of level 2 and the effect of your spell Enhance Ability increases by two points.

Oath Against Undeath: at level 1, you benefit from a +1 attack roll bonus against Evil Undead and the Difficulty Class of your Scare Undead ability increases by one. At level 11, you benefit from a +2 attack roll bonus against Evil Undead and +2 damage roll bonus against all Undead creatures.

Oath Against Fiends: at level 1, you benefit from a +1 attack roll bonus against Evil Outsiders and +1 AC bonus from your spell Mass Protection from Alignment. At level 11, you benefit from a +2 attack roll bonus against Evil Outsiders and +1 AC bonus from Greater Mass Protection from Alignment.

Oath Against Dragons: at level 1, you benefit from a +1 attack roll bonus against Evil Dragons and +1 damage roll bonus against large creatures and bigger. At level 11, you benefit from a +2 attack roll bonus against Evil Dragons and +2 damage roll bonus against large creatures and bigger.

Smite Evil: With this ability, a Paladin gains an attack bonus equal to his charisma modifier (if positive) on a single melee attack against a creature of evil alignment and the damage roll increases by the Paladin's level. On a failed attack the ability is not used up. Activated as a free action. Supernatural.

Divine Grace: The Paladin gains a one-time bonus on all saving throws. The bonus is equal to the character's base Charisma modifier, up to +4. You always get at least +1. In addition, the Paladin gets extra spell slots depending on the character's base Charisma. Thus, you get bonus spell slots from both your Wisdom and your Charisma.

Lay On Hands: From level two, the Paladin can heal the injuries of a single living creature with a touch. This is a supernatural ability that requires a Standard Action. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your base Charisma Modifier (minimum 1). You do not need a free hand for this ability because you can touch the recipient with your weapon. Each use of Lay On Hands heals 1d6 Hit Points of damage per two class levels of the Paladin, rounded up.

Scare Undead: From level three, the Paladin can perform a Melee Touch attack against a single Undead creature. Targets that fail on a Willpower saving throw become Halted for one round per two levels. Using this ability reduces your remaining number of uses of your Lay On Hands ability by one. The Difficulty Class is equal to 10 + half of character level + Charisma modifier. Paladins who have taken the Oath Against Undeath receive a +1 bonus to the Difficulty Class of Scare Undead. Scare Undead is a supernatural ability that requires a Standard Action. You do not need a free hand for this ability because you can touch the recipient with your weapon.

Aura of Courage: All allies within 10' of a Paladin (including the Paladin himself) gain a bonus of +1 to their willpower saving throws. This is a supernatural effect that applies even to mindless creatures. In addition, the Paladin gains immunity to Fear effects.

Greater Aura of Courage: The bonus from Aura of Courage increases from +1 to +2.

Holy Shield: When the Paladin is holding a shield, all allies within 10' of the Paladin (including the Paladin himself) gain a bonus of +4 on reflex saving throws against Gaze and Breath Weapon attacks from Dragons and other creatures.

Spells: The leading ability for Paladin spells is Wisdom. A Paladin can activate Divine Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid and Cleric. Paladin spells cannot be used to counterspell another spellcaster. Spell picks at every level from level 2: 2. A Paladin can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. The Paladin's caster level is equal to his character level. Paladins can cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action.


LEVEL 1: 11 spells

Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 1D8 +1 per level up to 5. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 1D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 5. Willpower half. Cures undead.)

Divine Favour (Evocation. 10 rounds. Caster gains bonuses to attack roll, damage roll and saving throws. The bonus is +1 below CL 6, it increases to +2 from CL 6 and to +3 from CL 9.)

Remove Fear (Alteration. Touch spell, removes the shaken condition. Also improves the cowering condition.)

Remove Fatigue (Alteration. Touch spell, removes the fatigued condition. Also improves the exhausted condition.)

Remove Paralysis (Conjuration. Touch spell, removes the paralyzed and slowed conditions.)

Enhance Weapon (Alteration. Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell, your manufactured and natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack roll and damage roll.)

Lesser Restoration (Conjuration. Touch spell. Removes the fatigued and exhausted conditions. Cures all ability damage, but not ability drain or negative levels.)

Shield of Faith (Alteration. Duration 10 rounds. Touch spell gives a +2 deflection bonus to Armour Class. The bonus increases at levels 6, 12 and 18.)

Mass Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. All allies in a 10' radius circle gain a +2 divine bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with any other Protection from Alignment spell of the same alignment.)

LEVEL 2: 9 spells

Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 3D8 +1 per level up to 15. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 3D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 15. Willpower half. Heals undead.)

Align Weapon (Alteration. Touch spell. Select good {holy}, evil {unholy}, lawful {axiomatic}, chaotic {anarchic} or neutral {balanced}. The recipient gains the corresponding condition, allowing his attacks to bypass DR of the appropriate type. Duration Until End of Combat.)

Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 10*level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat)

Remove Blindness (Conjuration. Touch spell removes the blind condition.)

Remove Curse (Alteration. Touch spell removes the mute and cursed conditions.)

Remove Ailment (Conjuration. Touch spell removes the bleeding, dazed, dazzled, sickened, nauseated, stunned, limping and impaired conditions.)

Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, the target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 9, the bonus increases to +6. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)

Greater Restoration (Conjuration. Touch spell. Removes the petrified, fatigued and exhausted conditions. Cures all ability damage and ability drain, but not negative levels.)

LEVEL 3: 9 spells

Mass Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 1D8 + 1 per level, while undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Mass Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 1D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)

Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 4D8 +1 per level. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 4D8 +1 per level points of negative energy damage. Willpower half. Heals undead.)

Break Enchantment (Alteration. Affects all allies in a 15' radius circle, for each effect make a Caster Level check (1d20 + level up to 15 + Spell Focus bonus) versus DC 11 + effect's Caster Level. The spell can remove many conditions, including Controlled, Dominated, Blind, Confused, Held.)

Greater Mass Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. All allies in a 10' radius circle gain a +4 divine bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with any other Protection from Alignment spell of the same alignment.)

Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell gives immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)

Freedom of Movement Touch (Enchantment. 1 round per level. Touch spell. The recipient is freed from the following conditions: Paralyzed, Slowed, Stuck, Entangled, Quicksand. The subject also gains immunity to all these effects for the spell's duration. The spell does not affect the spell Grease, underwater movement, being grappled or pinned or swallowed whole.)

Greater Enhance Weapon (Alteration. Duration Until End of Combat, your manufactured and natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every four caster levels, up to +5, to attack roll and damage roll.)

LEVEL 4: 9 spells

Mass Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 3D8 + 1 per level, while undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Mass Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 3D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)

Heal (Conjuration. Touch spell heals 10 Hit Points per caster level up to 150. It also removes all ability damage (but not ability drain) and many conditions, including Blinded, Confused, Nauseated, Stunned. Undead creatures are damaged by the spell, instead.)

Harm (Necromancy. Melee touch attack deals 10 points of negative energy damage per level up to 150. Willpower half. The damage cannot reduce the target's Hit Points below 1. Undead are healed by an equal amount.)

Remove Negative Levels (Enchantment. Touch spell removes all negative levels from an ally.)

Judgement (Evocation. This 60' line spell deals non-good creatures 1d6 points of damage per level, Reflex half. Non-good creatures are also dazzled for a round, or blinded if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. If you are wielding a weapon with a magic enhancement bonus, such as the +5 from the Holy Sword spell, the damage dealt to each target is increased by the value of your weapon's enhancement times two. Only the primary melee weapon counts.)

Mass Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. 10' radius circle, all allies in the area of effect gain immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)

Holy Sword (Alteration. Casting time Free Action. Your primary melee weapon becomes a +5 holy weapon. Holy weapons deal 2d6 points of additional damage to evil creatures. While this spell is active, your weapon loses its previous enchantments. Duration 1 round per two levels. From level 17, your weapon becomes a +5 holy axiomatic weapon, dealing an additional 2d6 points of damage to chaotic creatures. In addition, you receive a bonus of +2 to Damage Rolls. From level 17, this damage bonus increases to +4.)

Paladin Feats

Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all spells with a saving throw increases by one point.

Greater Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all spells with a saving throw increases by one more point. Requires: Spell Focus.

Heroic Weapon: Against Dragons, Outsiders and Undead creatures, the Paladin gains a +1 divine bonus on attack rolls and a +2 divine bonus on damage rolls. The bonuses stack with all other bonuses.

Greater Heroic Weapon: The attack roll bonus from Heroic Weapon is increased from +1 to +2 and the damage roll bonus is increased from +2 to +4. Requires: Heroic Weapon, Paladin level 12.

Greater Favour: You can cast Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Enhance Weapon, Mass Protection from Alignment, Align Weapon, Protection from Energy, Enhance Ability, Mass Greater Protection from Alignment, Greater Enhance Weapon, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement Touch, Mass Death Ward, and Judgement with a Move Action. In addition, your spell Holy Sword creates a +6 Holy weapon rather than a +5 Holy weapon.

Righteous Healing: You can cast Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Heal, Remove Blindness, Remove Curse, Remove Ailment, Remove Paralysis, Remove Fatigue, Remove Fear, Remove Negative Levels, Lesser Restoration and Greater Restoration with a Move Action.

Fervent Faith: You can use your Lay On Hands ability as a Free Action, and your Scare Undead ability as a Move Action. In addition, you can cast Divine Favour and Shield of Faith with a Free Action. If you use a Free Action several times in the same round, the second and third actions require a Move Action. Requires: Paladin level 6, Greater Favour, Righteous Healing.

Blessed Aura Of Courage: The radius of your Aura of Courage increases from 10 feet to 15 feet.

Heroic Shield: When the Paladin is holding a shield, all allies within 10' of the Paladin (including the Paladin himself) gain a bonus of +2 to their Armour Class against Dragons, Outsiders and Undead creatures. In addition, the reflex bonus against Breath Weapons from Holy Shield increases from +4 to +8 for the Paladin only.

Mystic Shield: When the Paladin is holding a shield, all allies within 10' of the Paladin (including the Paladin himself) gain a bonus of +2 on all reflex saving throws.

Legendary Shield: The effects of Holy Shield, Heroic Shield and Mystic Shield now cover allies within 15' of the Paladin.

Divine Shield: You can cast somatic spells while using a Heavy Shield or Tower Shield.

Extra Lay On Hands: You can use your Lay On Hands ability two more times per day.

Improved Lay On Hands: The amount of Hit Points healed by your Lay On Hands ability increases by one point per level. In addition, you can use Lay On Hands one more time per day. Requires: Paladin level three.

Improved Scare Undead: Undead creatures affected by your Scare Undead ability also fall Prone if they aren't immune to Trip. In addition, the Difficulty Class of your Scare Undead ability increases by one point. Requires: Paladin level three.

Widened Protection: The radius of your spells Mass Death Ward (Paladin), Mass Protection from Alignment (Paladin) and Greater Mass Protection from Alignment (Paladin) increases from 10' to 15'.

Powerful Smite: The damage bonus on smite attacks increases by two points. Requires: Death Knight or Paladin.

Greater Smite: The damage bonus on smite attacks increases by another two points. Requires: Powerful Smite, Level 9 Death Knight or Paladin.

Extra Smite: You can use Smite Evil one additional time during every encounter.

March 2011-2024. Last Update 31 May 2024. All rights reserved.