Sorcerer, the Thaumaturge
Sorcerers are spellcasters of unsurpassed brilliance. Such is the extent of their knowledge
that they have access to both the divine and arcane magic domains.
Their lack of focus means that they develop somewhat slower than the disciplined Wizard or
the pious Cleric, and they do not receive any domain power or spell resistance. Sorcerers see
these disadvantages as the price to pay for their mastery over the magical arts.
Many Sorcerers received a Cleric or Wizard training at some point during their youth. They then developed a fascination for all forms of magic. As a result, they are always hunting for new magic scrolls and powerful magic items.
Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment
D6 Hit Die. No armour or shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency only. Sorcerers can be of any alignment.
Special Abilities
Celestial Body Attunement: At level 1, Wizards and Sorcerers may choose to be attuned to a
celestial body if they wish.
Each body provides a bonus and a penalty, as described below. Wizards and Sorcerers who have selected an attunement
later gain access to a Transformation option as described in the
page about the Five Moons of Mindrel.
Aside from the Transformation option, attuned Sorcerers do not gain the specialisation options that Wizards obtain
from their attunement.
Nocturnis, the Black Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Conjuration spells.
Phoenix, the Red Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Evocation spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Alteration spells.
Solann, the White Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Conjuration spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Necromancy spells.
Juron, the Green Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Alteration spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Enchantment spells.
Meril, the Blue Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Enchantment spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Evocation spells.
Spells: The Sorcerer draws his spells from the spell lists of the Wizard and Cleric. Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom are all important to the Sorcerer. The Charisma modifier determines the number of bonus spell slots, and the number of spells known at level 1. The Intelligence modifier determines the Difficulty Class of Wizard spells. The Wisdom modifier determines the Difficulty Class of Cleric spells. A Sorcerer can alternate between arcane and divine castings without restriction. Both types of spells count towards the daily limit. A Sorcerer can activate Divine Spell Scrolls and Arcane Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid, Cleric, Rogue and Wizard. Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Charisma modifier picks in the Wizard spell list and 3 + Charisma modifier picks in the Cleric list. Spell picks at all other levels: 2 in the Wizard spell list plus 2 in the Cleric spell list. Sorcerers can cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action.
Sorcerer Feats
Spell Focus (Wizard): Select a magic school: Conjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment or
Alteration. You gain a +1 bonus to the difficulty class of all Wizard spells in the chosen magic school.
Greater Spell Focus (Wizard): Select a magic school: Conjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment or
Alteration. You gain another +1 bonus to the difficulty class of all Wizard spells in the chosen magic school. Requires: Spell Focus in the chosen school.
Dispelling Magic Missile: Each missile from your spell Magic Missile has a
50% chance to destroy a single illusory duplicate created by the spell Mirror Image.
Widened Colour Spray: The radius of your Colour Spray spells increases from 15' to 25'.
Improved Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Close Range to Medium Range.
Greater Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Standard Action
Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Finger Of Death.
Improved Domination: Your spells Control Person and Control Monster are improved from Close Range to
Medium Range. Your spells Dominate Person and Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead) are improved
from Medium Range to Long Range.
Greater Domination: Your spells Control Person, Control Monster, Dominate Person and
Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead) are improved from Full Round Action Casting Time
to Standard Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Domination.
Spell Shaping: Select one of the following spells: Fireball, Electric Sphere, Cone of Cold, Ice
Storm, Power Fireball, Prismatic Spray or Acid Blast. When you cast the selected spell (or a metamagic version of it),
you manipulate the area of effect so that allies standing within the normal area of effect remain unaffected by the spell.
Requires: Greater Spell Focus (Wizard, Evocation), Level 5 Wizard, Sorcerer or Warlock.
Counterspelling Mastery: You can counterspell a spell using any spell of the same school and spell
level. For example, you could counter a cleric's Divine Power (Evocation level 4) using an Ice Storm spell (Evocation
level 4), or you could counter a wizard's Lightning Bolt (Evocation level 3) using a Fireball spell (Evocation level
3). In addition, if the Sorcerer is countering a spell that he is able to cast, he only expends a spell slot of
a level equal to that of the target spell minus one (minimum one).
For example, if a Sorcerer is counterspelling a Fireball spell and he is able to
cast Fireball, he counterspells by expending a spell slot of level 2 rather than 3.
If a Sorcerer is counterspelling a Mass Domination spell and he is able to cast
Mass Domination, he counterspells by expending a spell slot of level 8 rather than 9.
Requires: Improved Counterspell, Sorcerer Level 1.
Armoured Casting: You avoid the spell failure chance when casting spells with a somatic component
while wearing armour of a category that you are proficient with. Requires: Light Armour Proficiency.
Spell Focus (Cleric): The Difficulty Class of all Cleric spells with a saving
throw increases by 1.
Greater Spell Focus (Cleric): The Difficulty Class of all Cleric spells with a
saving throw increases by another 1. Requires: Spell Focus (Cleric).
March 2011-2021. Last Update 30 September 2022. All rights reserved.