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List of Weapons and Armour


Dagger: simple light weapon, critical 19-20 x2, piercing damage 1D4.

Light Mace: simple light weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D6.

Sickle: simple light weapon, critical 20 x2, slashing damage 1D6.

Club: simple one-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D6.

Heavy Mace: simple one-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D8.

Morningstar: simple one-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D8.

Shortspear: simple one-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, piercing damage 1D6.

Wand: simple one-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D6.

Spear: simple two-handed weapon, crit. 20 x3, piercing dmg 1D8 (double vs charging).

Light Hammer: martial light weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D4.

Handaxe: martial light weapon, critical 20 x3, slashing damage 1D6.

Kukri: martial light weapon, critical 18-20 x2, slashing damage 1D4.

Light Pick: martial light weapon, critical 20 x4, piercing damage 1D4.

Short Sword: martial light weapon, critical 19-20 x2, piercing damage 1D6.

Battleaxe: martial one-handed weapon, critical 20 x3, slashing damage 1D8.

Flail: martial one-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D8.

Longsword: martial one-handed weapon, critical 19-20 x2, slashing damage 1D8.

Heavy Pick: martial one-handed weapon, critical 20 x4, piercing damage 1D6.

Rapier: martial one-handed weapon, critical 18-20 x2, piercing damage 1D6,

              no bonus for wielding with two hands, can be used with weapon finesse.

Scimitar: martial one-handed weapon, critical 18-20 x2, slashing damage 1D6.

Trident: martial 1-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, piercing dmg 1D8 (double vs charging).

Warhammer: martial one-handed weapon, critical 20 x3, bludgeoning damage 1D8.

Falchion: martial two-handed weapon, critical 18-20 x2, slashing damage 2D4.

Greataxe: martial two-handed weapon, critical 20 x3, slashing damage 1D12.

Greatclub: martial two-handed weapon, critical 20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D10.

Heavy Flail: martial two-handed weapon, critical 19-20 x2, bludgeoning damage 1D10.

Greatsword: martial two-handed weapon, critical 19-20 x2, slashing damage 2D6.

Halberd: martial 2-handed wpn, critical 20 x3, slashing dmg 1D10 (double vs charging).

Scythe: martial two-handed weapon, critical 20 x4, slashing damage 2D4.

Bastard Sword: exotic one-handed weapon, critical 19-20 x2, slashing damage 1D10.

Dwarven Waraxe: exotic one-handed weapon, critical 20 x3, slashing damage 1D10.

Longbow: martial ranged weapon, critical 20 x3, piercing damage 1D8, range 50 feet.

Shortbow: martial ranged weapon, critical 20 x3, piercing damage 1D6, range 25 feet.

Heavy Crossbow: simple ranged wpn, crit. 19-20 x2, piercing dmg 1D10, range 60 feet.

Light Crossbow: simple ranged wpn, crit. 19-20 x2, piercing dmg 1D8, range 35 feet.

Shields and Armour

Light Shield: +1 AC, spell failure 5%.

Heavy Shield: +2 AC, spell failure 15%.

Banded Mail: heavy armor, +6 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +1, spell failure 35%.

Breastplate: medium armor, +5 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +3, spell failure 25%.

Chain Shirt: light armor, +4 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +4, spell failure 20%.

Chainmail Armor: medium armor, +5 AC, max. dexterity bonus +2,  spell failure 30%.

Full Plate: heavy armor, +8 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +1, spell failure 35%.

Half-Plate: heavy armor, +7 AC, maximum dexterity bonus 0, spell failure 40%.

Leather Armor: light armor, +2 AC, max. dexterity bonus +6, spell failure 10%.

Padded Armor: light armor, +1 AC, max. dexterity bonus +8, spell failure 5%.

Scale Mail: medium armor, +4 AC, max. dexterity bonus +3, spell failure 25%.

Splint Mail: heavy armor, +6 AC, maximum dexterity bonus 0, spell failure 40%.

Studded Armor: light armor, +3 AC, maximum dexterity bonus +5, spell failure 15%.

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