Waterd103 wrote:Personally I would prefer if cleric wasn't needed in the party.
That would be a bit weird in a game with only 3 classes, one of them being cleric.
I don't say autoheal and all that. But there should be other ways, be NPC,
There are NPC clerics, which accounts for *other ways* I presume. Your point?
and why not potions etc. I agree they should be more expensive, harder to get. But the option should be there.
Potions, especially a large variety of them, can easily kill all challenge a game could possibly have. See NWN2. How can there be any challenge left in a game with unlimited potions of full heal? In a game where even some of the best arcane buffs( heroism, mirror image, improved invis etc) are available in potion form?
Of course you want to replace a cleric with healing items a la BG2. In BG2 you could do anything a cleric could do with potions and scrolls and wands, even more. Including resurrection of the dead. Certainly there wasn't any need for a cleric in BG2 but whether the game was better for it is debatable.