Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby Waterd103 » Thu May 24, 2012 2:31 am

Probably takes a few tries but it's nowhere near as hard as you make it sound.

My whole point is that even without crafting, no other fight in the game needs "a couple of tries" Which is my whole point.
My point is that this is the hardest part of the game, I feel it's a little early to have the hardest fight in the game.
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)


Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby quasimodo » Thu May 24, 2012 8:23 pm

Its no coincidence that it is my favorite encounter........Maybe he should make the rest of the game harder.
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby ronaldsf » Wed May 30, 2012 4:07 pm

I rather like it. Not because I think the challenge is fair; but because it means the structure of the game is non-linear. I don't like playing a game thinking in the back of my head that I'm going down a railroad or that "I'm supposed to go here first because the game designer made it so." Having some variation makes the world more believable to me.

And you gotta admit, we're kind of already a masochistic bunch to begin with if we chose this game. :twisted:
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby Azazial » Sun Nov 01, 2020 12:14 pm

I just finished the queen fight with a lvl 3 party of 1k 1c 2w.
It took a few reloads with correct positioning, but it IS doable
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby Waterd103 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:06 am

Well with reloads almost everything is doable.
I even put it as one of the options ion the first post "reload until you are lucky"
Marilith (CR 17)
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby Shout27 » Tue Feb 18, 2025 10:08 pm

Personally, I almost managed to pull it off at level 3 with 2 fighter, a cleric, and a wizard. Even managed to blind kutula before she used ray of frost, and two other single target spells I can't remember off the top of my head that I don't think she should have been able to use on me while blind that attritioned me down at the end.

My personal thoughts on the fight and/or spiders in general:
Drop the dr 5/magic.

Allow one or two more attendants from that fight to attack you if you destroy the eggs before they hatch.

Allow the player to target webs with burning hands even if no enemies are present within the area.

Alter castable spells if the caster is blind.


I was more irritated with the location of tenkets ring. At farthest you should find that in the dwarven kingdom. I'd also have preferred if you didn't place the 17 HP wizard in front of the 57 HP dwarf king where his first hit can decapitate the poor guy when he goes first.


Allow two handers to let me use somatic components for spells.
Fix blindness.
Allow false life, bulls strength, and a few other spells to be cast outside of combat and last until the end of next combat (they're stable until combat starts or something)

Achievements: put them in the base game (I play steam games offline 90% of the time and don't get credit for them, pisses me off)
Add an achievement series for using no crafting feat ever.

Class overhaul request:
Give clerics a "free" choice between one martial proficiency and weapon focus on a single simple weapon.
Drop the scribe scroll feat and give wizards a choice of wizard bonus feat in its place where scribe scroll can be chosen if the player wants it.

Race overhaul request:
Mul - give them 25% leeway on arcane failure rate and the ability to complete somatic components with a shield in hand.

Half-elf - turn sleep immunity into a +2 bonus vs sleep saves, give them automatic long bow, short bow, short sword, and long sword proficiency or focus if they have those proficiencies through their class.
Craft ability - Elven Chain - if a half-elf crafts or forges a chain shirt or suit of chainmail they add the prefix Elven to the suit crafted reducing by 20% the arcane failure rate, the armor check penalty reduces by a further 1, maximum dexterity increases by 1, and weight is reduced by 5 on top of any other modifiers.
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby BlueSalamander » Mon Mar 17, 2025 11:13 pm

Hello Shout27, and welcome to the forums!

My apologies for leaving your post in the moderation queue for so long.

You can cast spells as normal when blinded, but the 50% concealment rule will apply on spells requiring a melee or ranged touch attack.

Thank you for all your suggestions, I appreciate it!!

Some of those have been implemented in KotC 2 (like casting Burning Hands even when there are no enemies, or the use of somatic spells with two-handed weapons).

Cheers! Best regards 8-)
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby Shout27 » Tue Mar 18, 2025 12:06 am

BlueSalamander wrote:You can cast spells as normal when blinded, but the 50% concealment rule will apply on spells requiring a melee or ranged touch attack.

Thank you for all your suggestions, I appreciate it!!

Some of those have been implemented in KotC 2 (like casting Burning Hands even when there are no enemies, or the use of somatic spells with two-handed weapons).

Cheers! Best regards 8-)

1) you try directing anything less than area effect spells in a general area while blind. It's far from a simple 50%/50% and closer to that per square of distance. Hell, even a fireball I'd give over to grenade scatter rules which could turn even that into a fifty/fifty chance.

2) it's nice of you to apply those situations to to kotc2, now you can apply them to kotc 1, like you should have a while ago.

3) why? I get games I like for my friends, too. But I'm not going to buy them a game that I think has glaring issues like being unable to cast prep spells beyond mage armor before battle (I wouldn't even care if you locked it behind a feat), allows the enemy to conjure multiple summons while locking the party behind 1 single summon allowed, and makes me feel like a munchkin for making mithril armor out of leather because it's the only reasonable option I have.
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Re: Spider cave, shouldn't be easier? (early game spoilers)

Postby BlueSalamander » Tue Mar 18, 2025 3:24 pm

Yes, I agree. It's not realistic for a blind person to be able to aim with any accuracy.

On the other hand, I don't think that more realism would necessarily make the game a lot more fun. Let's just say that the "Blind" condition is not complete blindness, but more like a haze through which you can see ghostly figures where people stand.

I'm working on KotC 2: The Dark Arena at the moment, so an update of KotC 1 isn't a priority right now; but I'll keep your suggestions. Moving two of the Giant Spiders to the other room, where and when you destroy the eggs, is a nice idea IMO.

Best regards :)
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