BlueSalamander wrote:Archangel wrote:Mind Blank is especially useless spell then if it cannot be cast before the fight (it should because in PnP it is a 24h lasting spell) and it cannot be cast on a already dominated/charmed person. For a buff against such spells Mass Protection from Evil works much better and it a much lower level.
Mind Blank protects against many more effects than just domination. And Archangel, please moderate your language. This and that is not "stupid" simply because you don't like it.
OK, I should have said I find it stupid or something (which really means I really do not like it). I was not insulting you (I really like this game and would like to see it improved where possible), but I completely cannot agree on this design decision. This needlessly makes enchantment spells stronger then they should be.
Mind Blank is an OK spell if it can be cast outside of combat. At this moment it is useless in this game.
If you can change so it can be cast before combat (like Mage Armor) it would become useful. If you are afraid of the whole party having immunity to many effects disallow from making scrolls from that spell. In that case wizards will have to use their high level slots to cast it and that is worthy cost of having it on everyone (or just some). Or give us an option in the setting if we want to be able to cast in outside of combat.
As it is, I will ALWAYS cast Mass Protection from Evil then this spell. Actually in my next play through I will not even take the spell anymore. Only in parties with no clerics or if the cleric is out of combat wizard can consider casting this spell. Those situations are really rare.
Really look at the spell and look at the Mass Protection from Evil (a lvl 3 spell) and tell me Mind Blank is not too weak?
Also another option is to stop combat as soon as your charmed party member is the only enemy left standing.
I need too add that combat ending as soon as only charmed and dominated enemies are left is no fun. First of all, any attack from any of your party members on those characters should either remove the charm immediately or give another save (for dominate). So once you take care of other enemies you still need to kill these. In some cases this could be a problem and could change the outcome of the battle.
I know this might be a design decision or a limit of the engine but please consider this.