Meaning of forum icons

This is the place to talk about KotC, ask for help, and report bugs.

Meaning of forum icons

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:34 am

Subscribe and Unsubscribe

ImageSubscribe to a forum: You will receive email notifications everytime a new thread is created in this forum.
ImageUnsubscribe: You will not receive email notifications when new threads are created.

Shortcut Icons

ImageLink to the last unread post in a thread.
ImageLink to the very last post in a thread.
ImageLink to the top of the current page you are viewing.
ImageAppears in the upper left of individual posts, this means you have already viewed it.
ImageAppears in the upper left of individual posts, this means you have not viewed it.

Forum Icons

ImageUnread forum.
ImageUnread forum that is locked.
ImageRead forum.
ImageRead forum that is locked.
ImageUnread forum or subforum.
ImageRead forum or subforum.

Thread Icons

ImageUnread thread.
ImageUnread thread you have posted in.
ImageUnread popular thread.
ImageUnread popular thread you have posted in.
ImageUnread thread that is locked.
ImageUnread thread that you have posted in that is locked.
ImageRead thread.
ImageRead thread you have posted in.
ImageRead popular thread.
ImageRead popular thread you have posted in.
ImageRead thread that is locked.
ImageRead thread that you have posted in that is locked.

Sticky Icons

ImageUnread sticky.
ImageUnread sticky you have posted in.
ImageUnread sticky that is locked.
ImageUnread sticky that you have posted in that is locked.
ImageRead sticky.
ImageRead sticky you have posted in.
ImageRead sticky that is locked.
ImageRead sticky that you have posted in that is locked.

Announcement Icons

ImageUnread announcement.
ImageUnread announcement you have posted in.
ImageUnread announcement that is locked.
ImageUnread announcement that you have posted in that is locked.
ImageRead announcement.
ImageRead announcement you have posted in.
ImageRead announcement that is locked.
ImageRead announcement that you have posted in that is locked.

Topic Icons

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

The person who starts a topic can choose one of these icons. They have no specific meaning.
'Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it! But heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat!!' - Luffy in One Piece
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Master Conjuror
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Joined: Sun May 18, 2008 6:20 pm

Meaning of forum icons


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