Minor bug/text tag glitch
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:23 am
This one is tiny, but it bugs me:
When wielding a silver weapon, the game registers the -1 damage penalty and explains it properly as a message as part of the die-roll dialogue. If, however, you click on the damage total to bring up the screen which shows all the bonuses and penalties, the -01 damage item is listed as Point Blank Shot, not as Silver Weapon penalty (or whatever it should be).
When wielding a silver weapon, the game registers the -1 damage penalty and explains it properly as a message as part of the die-roll dialogue. If, however, you click on the damage total to bring up the screen which shows all the bonuses and penalties, the -01 damage item is listed as Point Blank Shot, not as Silver Weapon penalty (or whatever it should be).