Leave no one behind!

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Leave no one behind!

Postby Dorateen » Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:40 pm

Our party is about 14th level now, and I have noticed more and more that every battle we win, I make sure that all the other party members are still standing. So even if some of the lads get knocked unconscious, before combat is over, I make the effort to heal them and bring them to positive hit points. And if anybody dies, I will cast Raise Dead, before the last monster is slain.

From a practical point, it makes sense to revive the dead, so that they don't miss out on experience points. But even those unconscious ones, I have been bringing them back at the end.

It seems we either all stand tall in victory, or we all go down together.

Anyone else manage their combat like this?

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Leave no one behind!


Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:15 pm

if you cast raise dead, doesn't the raised char lose a lot of XP? I avoid this and reload, unless I already have true resurrection.
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby Dorateen » Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:19 pm

Does it really???!!!

Of course, that's awesome, and entirely the way it should be. It also explains why our wizard is lagging behind in XP.

Here, I thought it was the crafting.
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby Demiath » Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:28 pm

According to KotC's in-game help, Raise Dead has the following XP effect;

"He does not lose any level, but his experience level decrease to the minimum amount required for his current level."

So, like Ventilator, I always reload when a character dies if none of my characters have obtained True Resurrection yet.

But, to answer Dorateen's question, I never care even the slightest about how few or how many of my party members are conscious by the end of the fight - as long as they're not dead it makes no difference to my coldly utilitarian, anti-roleplaying mind whether there's one guy left standing with his HP in the single digits or whether the whole party is more or less unscathed...
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:33 pm

healing up an unconcious partymember otoh I'll do frequently, if the situation warrants it. As soon as I get resurrection I'll use that whenever necessary (always have some additional scrolls)
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby Dorateen » Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:55 pm

That makes sense. I suppose I've gotten party members killed only a handful of times. Mostly the mage, and I think I lost a knight once. So it's not too bad. Besides, I like the staggered XP so that we don't all level up at the same time.

I tend not to reload if I can manage to win the fight. And if that means taking the occasional temporary casualty, I'll just roll with it. Also, it is kind of neat to have someone go down in the middle of a big battle, but then bring them back to deal the final blow to the enemy!

Have I mentioned this is the most fun I've had in combat since... how long?
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:57 pm

Dorateen wrote: I tend not to reload if I can manage to win the fight. And if that means taking the occasional temporary casualty, I'll just roll with it.

More hardcore than I am :oops:
I tend not to accept deaths of partymembers, except certain fights in the endgame where true res is available and you can be happy to win at all.

Dorateen wrote:Have I mentioned this is the most fun I've had in combat since... how long?

You gave a hint or two, sadly when I told you on NWN2 forums (different nickname) only you and another poster seemed to listen... a pity actually but their loss.
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby MonkeyLancer » Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:54 am

The acceptance of the death of a party member varies on my mood, but if it's the cleric that's a definite reload for me. It would seem silly not to reload if everyone died ;)
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Re: Leave no one behind!

Postby Archangel » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:31 am

I do not remember reloading if I won the fight and someone died. I usually carried some scrolls or raise dead. I remember reloading when I didn't have scrolls or spell slot free and was in one of those dungeons where you cannot get out until you beat the boss :D
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