Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

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Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

Postby Skree » Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:09 pm


First of all, i have to congratulate for the game, it is truly good.

Now, to the matter at hand... i have defeated the dragon and the wizard in the mountain pass to reach the slaver city, in the mage's body (i think) i found a note saying "follow the exit marked by the skeleton", wich i gather is talking about the various exit from the big room you fall into at some point (the room with the "salt like dust wich slows your reflexes").

There is just one exit marked by a skeleton from that room, i folowed it, but .... nothing. No exit, no message, no spot check, no nothing. Can someone lend a hand?

Thank you beforehand.
Kuo-toa (CR 2)
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Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)


Re: Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:55 pm

Skree wrote:i have to congratulate for the game, it is truly good.
Thanks Skree! Glad you like it.

Skree wrote:No exit, no message, no spot check, no nothing. Can someone lend a hand?
The skeleton message was left there by the gnolls to mislead adventurers. For the real exit, go back to the large room with the dragon and examine the walls (meaning walk along the room's edge, no need to pixel hunt).
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Re: Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

Postby Skree » Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:13 pm

Yeah, found it. Darn it's punishing.

Nice, though. I was sure to have guessed it right instantly, reasoning there was some kind of magical exit in the corridor "marked by the skeleton", nice touch.

I learned of this game from the Age of Decadence board, another indie project i was following, glad the scene is alive, and i am even more glad to give at least a tiny bit of an helping hand by buying these (great) games.

I'll go back to being punished by the game (there must be some masochistic innuendo in there somewhere).
Kuo-toa (CR 2)
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Re: Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

Postby Dorateen » Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:48 pm

That's what I really admire about the design of this game. There is absolutely no hand-holding.

In a a modern-day cRPG, you would probably have a forced companion chirping up, "Hey... it might be a good idea to examine that wall!"

We need more games that leave players to their own devices.
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Re: Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

Postby Demiath » Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:14 pm

Still not a big fan of the puzzle design in that dungeon. The seemingly interesting clues turn out to be worthless and the real solution is most easily discovered by employing a mindless "click everything" approach. In my opion, that's old school in all the wrong ways...
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Re: Unable to go on (Mountain Pass)

Postby DonaldDuck » Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:56 am

Demiath wrote:Still not a big fan of the puzzle design in that dungeon. The seemingly interesting clues turn out to be worthless and the real solution is most easily discovered by employing a mindless "click everything" approach. In my opion, that's old school in all the wrong ways...

I disagree, by that point it should be clear to the player that his party can search for stuff that's not depicted graphicaly, so walking around that dead end to search for a clue made perfect sense to me.
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