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Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:37 pm
by deathknight1728
Ive just got my butt handed to me from from the first minor battle with the orcs and gnolls. It was right at the keep that you start in. My question is is sleep the only way to win that battle, it seems like the only way. Ive heard that flanking can do wonders against opponents, yet i cant seem to figure out how. Do you have to be at your opponents side or back and does the movement arrow show up blow when you are flanking?

Sorry for all the questions, i like the game and want to figure out what works.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:28 am
by Tiavals
Sleep certainly makes the fight a lot easier, but is not the only way.

As for flanking, it works thus: You must have 2 of your characters on opposite sides of your foe for it to work, for example:
G = Gnoll
x = empty
C = your character


This would allow you to get the flanking bonus, which is +2 to your attack.(effectively your raw hit chance increases by 10%)

If you are fighting opponents larger than one square, it works thus:
D = Dragon
x = empty
C = your character


So, you always have to be able to draw a "straight line" between your characters through the foe. I hope this explanation helps. If not, I or someone else will try to explain it again. :)

Oh, and I think the Blue arrow that appears means that you are flanking the enemy in that position. Consequently, a red arrow means an opponent will get a free blow at you, a so-called Attack of Opportunity. Unless I'm mixing my colors and such.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:50 pm
by deathknight1728
Thanks for the explanation. This may sound weird but this game is almost impossible. Ive made over 3 attempts and restarted 3 times and i cant seem to beat the 1st battle. There's like 30 orcs, while i only have 8 characters. They have ranged weapons and numerous higher lvl monsters with them. I used to think that some of the other games were tough but this is friggin ridiculous, were the developers on crack when they made this?

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:29 pm
by deathknight1728
Alright, i managed to beat the first major battle. It was really tough but i did it. Is the whole game like this where you go up against large amounts of minions with just 4 guys?

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:08 pm
by Tiavals
There's a few rare fights where you have aid, but most of the fights it's just your 4 guys vs the enemy. The amount of enemies vary, but it's usually around 10 or more.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:10 am
by Waterd103
The fight with the 4 water elementals its actually harder, and I would say among the harder battles in the game (top 15, maybe even top 10 no kidding), because you lack tactical options and all you can do is pray to roll better than the water elementals.
You have no experience to scribe scrolls so you are limited in options no matter What.

But the orc vs gnoll is quite easy. Just get a Missle wand and a healing wand from the wizard, you have the right money for it (you can even sell something if your charisma is very low). Now, have a clearic healing wand the whole team, and your wizard throwing missles with his wand.

If you have a second wizard, and you are not afraid if using scribe scrolls then its even easier, just have both wizard sleep/missile everthing while your cleric heals/Bless/Bane, use your fighter to finish guys. If he goes down just heal it with your cleric, he will wake up next to the cleric out of harm, so you can heal him more and run him again into battle if neccesary.
While I never actually lost an entire fight there though, once the leader killed a char after hitting a 33 damage critical! So that kind of thing can happen

Fights in the game come in two ways, hard fights where you need to know well D&D rules and maximize strategic decisions, and pointless fights where you just right click. But yeah, if you found the orc raid fight hard, or had to reload, expect to reload a lot more in the big fights, because its only going to become harder.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:57 pm
by BlueSalamander
Tiavals wrote:I think the Blue arrow that appears means that you are flanking the enemy in that position.
A blue arrow means that if you confirm the move, you're going to be using the five-foot step action, allowing a full-attack after the move.

deathknight1728 wrote:I used to think that some of the other games were tough but this is friggin ridiculous, were the developers on crack when they made this?
Where do you think you're posting? Asking for help is fine, ranting against the developer on the developer's forum is unacceptable.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:11 pm
by Waterd103
If you think the game is too hard, abuse craft feats and go to settings and put max HP and as many max stats as you are comfortable with. You will find the game is a lot easier with that.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 3:32 am
by deathknight1728
BlueSalamander wrote:
Tiavals wrote:I think the Blue arrow that appears means that you are flanking the enemy in that position.
A blue arrow means that if you confirm the move, you're going to be using the five-foot step action, allowing a full-attack after the move.

deathknight1728 wrote:I used to think that some of the other games were tough but this is friggin ridiculous, were the developers on crack when they made this?
Where do you think you're posting? Asking for help is fine, ranting against the developer on the developer's forum is unacceptable.

Im sorry.

Re: Flanking, how does it work?

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:20 am
by quasimodo
Every time I quit this game because some fight was "impossible" I would sit and think for awhile. After some thought I would come up with a new strategy and next time I would kick $#!@. This is why KotC is the BEST game I have played in the last five years.