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A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:26 am
by sirchet
Is there a priest or church where you can pay to have your permanently lowered stats restored somewhere in the game?

I find it hard to believe the outpost has an armorer and a wizard, (with an apprentice) but no clergy?

I hate to think that I'll have to go back a few levels and choose lesser restoration as a cleric spell, (still don't understand why cleric spells aren't just gained as in DnD instead of picking them like a wizard).

Any help would be welcome and I do like the game, (bought the full version) just a little frustrated right now with my fighters that are naturally 21 strength running around with 15 strength due to permanent effects.

Stats lowered and regained after resting would serve the same purpose, (making the battle harder at the time of the battle) instead one lucky hit by a low level ghoul or such and every fight after is harder seems to be unnecessary punishment.

Please tell me there is somewhere to fix this.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:06 am
by VentilatorOfDoom
Yes, any cleric in any temple can restore/resurrect/de-petrify etc.
Don't remember all the locations, but I'm certain Vanicia (to the far east) has a temple. You can even donate there for some easy XP early on.

Stats lowered and regained after resting would serve the same purpose, (making the battle harder at the time of the battle) instead one lucky hit by a low level ghoul or such and every fight after is harder seems to be unnecessary punishment.

No. Your party cleric is supposed to deal with that stuff. If he can't, go to a temple and pay for it.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:17 pm
by sirchet
VentilatorOfDoom wrote:No. Your party cleric is supposed to deal with that stuff. If he can't, go to a temple and pay for it.

Then we must agree to disagree, for I feel strongly about this.

And thank you for the tip on Vanicia.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:38 am
by BlueSalamander
Hello and welcome sirchet!

Actually there is a cleric right there in the tower. It's the dwarf in the ground level. He will remove your ability drain.
He was added in version 1.28.

You can pick restoration later on, or buy the scroll from a cleric later on.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:00 am
by VentilatorOfDoom
sirchet wrote:Then we must agree to disagree, for I feel strongly about this.

Yes, going down that road we end up with modern AAA rubbish, where everyone gets resurrected, auto-healed and restored when combat ends. Because otherwise it's "unnecessary punishment"? No, thanks.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:46 am
by sirchet
I believe you may have read something into my comment that wasn't there.

I too enjoy a challenge, especially if it involves killing orcs and vampires and such.

I do not understand the necessity for permanent stat loss to low level characters and please don't go with it makes it a more realistic fight.

If we were looking for realism then maybe we shouldn't be able to craft magical weapons and armor on the run, or scribe scrolls while standing outside the door of the big boss we're getting ready to hand the smack down to.

No, this comes down to something as simple as your preference compared to mine.

I must remind you that neither of our preferences are rubbish, just different ... hence the agree to disagree.

I would not have posted on this topic again, except that I took your comment to be aimed at me and I do not appreciate it.

This is a forum for a video game and is supposed to be a place for folks who share the same enjoyment for KotC and not a bickering ground.

Thank you BlueSalamander for the tip on the dwarven cleric, (I'm running 1.30 full version) although I did go back one save and chose lesser restoration and my party is kicking butt and taking names underneath the slavers compound.

I'm looking forward to KotC2.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:54 am
by VentilatorOfDoom
sirchet wrote:I believe you may have read something into my comment that wasn't there.

Really? Let's see:

Any help would be welcome and I do like the game, (bought the full version) just a little frustrated right now with my fighters that are naturally 21 strength running around with 15 strength due to permanent effects.

Stats lowered and regained after resting would serve the same purpose, (making the battle harder at the time of the battle) instead one lucky hit by a low level ghoul or such and every fight after is harder seems to be unnecessary punishment.

For me it looks like you're suggesting stat-draining (how about level-draining?) effects should go away by themselves, not requiring spells like Restoration (or Remove negative levels)? Yes? Did I misinterprete something?

sirchet wrote:I do not understand the necessity for permanent stat loss to low level characters and please don't go with it makes it a more realistic fight.

That's unfortunate, that you can't understand it. Yet, D&D has stat-draining effects and sometimes they're permanent. There are spells to counter this.
Your suggestion would make those spells obsolete. Your suggestion would also weaken the role of a cleric, clerics are there for a reason. It's a matter of principle.

sirchet wrote:No, this comes down to something as simple as your preference compared to mine.
I must remind you that neither of our preferences are rubbish, just different ... hence the agree to disagree.

Understood. You do, like, disagree.

sirchet wrote:I would not have posted on this topic again, except that I took your comment to be aimed at me and I do not appreciate it.

I didn't aim anything at you, or try to hurt your feelings. My comment was aimed at your suggestion. Hope you can see the difference.
Since you do not appreciate my comment (!) let me reassure you that I don't appreciate your suggestion either.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:22 pm
by sirchet
Now you're just trolling for an argument, not going to find it here.

Try fishing elsewhere.

Good luck and God bless.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:30 pm
by VentilatorOfDoom
I bother to tell you why your argument is kinda dumb, giving the reasons why, which you counter with an elaborate "yeah man, but I totally disagree, man. ps: I feel very strongly about this." and in the end you are calling me the troll. That's rich.

Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:16 pm
by Waterd103
Personally I would prefer if cleric wasn't needed in the party. I don't say autoheal and all that. But there should be other ways, be NPC, and why not potions etc. I agree they should be more expensive, harder to get. But the option should be there. The fact that KotC having 2 cleric is optimal to minimize your chances of failing a quest without doubt, is a bad attribute imo.