In case anyone's ever wanted to design a really old school RPG (and not the kind of graphics-obsessed nextgen titles which Heroic Fantasy Games makes , the so-called Adventure Creation Kit (ACK) from Chris Hopkins might be of some interest:
ACK is inspired by a similar program called Adventure Construction Set (1985), but has some additional functions and now also a Windows launcher that makes the clunky, predominately keyboard-driven interface a bit less cumbersome to use. There are of course many other and more advanced "make your own RPG" programs out there, but none with the same relentless retro approach as ACK. Although there are some downloadable assets to use, you can create everything - from floor tiles, weapons, enemies and simple macro scripts - within ACK's different editor modules (and important BMPs if you don't want to use the in-game graphics editor). There's also a cute little parody of Ultima IV ("Dude, Where's My Avatar?") to download from the official website...
[BlueSalamander edit - placed the pictures in rows]