ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign
I think the initial sum target of $48K is fair considering it is a 4 man effort, aims to tackle a variety of tasks that I'd imagine to be easily underestimated, and it isn't every day that an essentially "ancient" project tries to revive on up. How different the world would be considering the dev teams of old if only they'd maintained their own IP(game) as opposed to be being held hostage by publishers in a Vault of Legality someplace...
There's also something wonderful about the very circumstance of a game seeing a new lease on life to become better than ever while the sequel is also well underway with Alpha releases to exceed it on various, yet ultimately different, fronts.
After a a lot of discussion and preparation today is the day to throw the dice of Fate and see where they fall: Just seconds ago I activated the crowd funding campaign for resurrecting ADOM development on Indiegogo. Now please: if you ever loved ADOM and/or still love it - go there and pledge to get some of the cool rewards and help ADOM to step into the 21st century. Or at least spread the word! Now is the time!
The campaign will run for a total of 60 days as many fans already indicated that they right now aren't able to pledge as much as they'd like to and since times are pretty tough in many places I hope that the 60 day limit can help.
I also hope that the "Kickstarter vs. Indiegogo" discussion really is moot. My impression during the last days and weeks was that having access to a great community always seemed to be most important, far more than the actual crowd funding platform - and as far as I am concerned the ADOM community is the greatest of them all!
So if you care(d) for ADOM, please
-pledge as soon as possible. It seems to be highly important for crowd funding campaigns to get a great initial momentum and this also helps in getting featured on the front page of Indiegogo! You can upgrade your pledges later so there is no (?) reason to wait
-spread the word about the campaign and the link to the campaign. Talk to friends and family, blog, tweet, etc. Share this on Facebook, post on newsgroups and mailing lists and raise as much ruckus as possible to mobilize everyone who ever cared for ADOM and enjoyed playing it. (But don't annoy people)
I really really really hope that we make the campaign goal (and if we make it that we make it as soon as possible) as the true fun will begin with the planned stretch goals (new races, new classes, new corruptions, new items, new monsters, new artifacts, new quests [dare I say words like Scroll of Omnipotence or Red Rooster Inn]?), the ADOM pen & paper RPG, iPad and Android ports, an extendable and scriptable version of ADOM, more elaborate character generation options and maybe even open sourcing ADOM. And so much more I don't want to talk about right away... So let's have a go at it!
I think the initial sum target of $48K is fair considering it is a 4 man effort, aims to tackle a variety of tasks that I'd imagine to be easily underestimated, and it isn't every day that an essentially "ancient" project tries to revive on up. How different the world would be considering the dev teams of old if only they'd maintained their own IP(game) as opposed to be being held hostage by publishers in a Vault of Legality someplace...
There's also something wonderful about the very circumstance of a game seeing a new lease on life to become better than ever while the sequel is also well underway with Alpha releases to exceed it on various, yet ultimately different, fronts.