The Red Prison: 5e'ish OGL ascendant Roguelike goodness

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The Red Prison: 5e'ish OGL ascendant Roguelike goodness

Postby getter77 » Tue Apr 09, 2019 11:13 pm Win/Linux
The Red Prison is a roguelike based on the OGL-content of the SRD for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons. The Basic Rules is (largely) a stripped back version of those rules and this game takes a similar approach.

The game mostly follows those rules faithfully and they are included with the download. Development is still in its early stages and at this stage any available builds are playable but unstable.

Currently the game features four classes (fighter, rogue, wizard and cleric) and four base races with subraces (human, mountain dwarf, hill dwarf, wood elf, high elf, lightfoot halfling and stout halfling).
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The Red Prison: 5e'ish OGL ascendant Roguelike goodness


Re: The Red Prison: 5e'ish OGL ascendant Roguelike goodness

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:32 am

Thank you getter77, that looks interesting to me.
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