Just a hope

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Just a hope

Postby deathknight1728 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:15 pm

Im anticipating this game but for the idea that it will be like my other games that i enjoy. I am however not into the whole create a party experience as i find that it detracts the roleplaying away from the premise of the main character. I am not saying that these games arent good, just that my preference is on creating a character and then going through the game either solo or with characters in game that interact.

Now i know that kotc 2 wont have characters that join, so i was just simply wondering if there would be any scenarios where you can solo a character or something along those lines. I'd love to take one of the unique races offered by the maker and create a rogue or one of the other awesome classes that are being done in a unique way.
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Just a hope


Re: Just a hope

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:49 pm

We'll see but I see no reason that you could not have a module where you start with a single character and have pre-created characters join the party along the way. It's just not my favourite RPG design. It places more emphasis on story and less on tactics, because you're not going to get exactly the characters you might like for the party to be very effective in combat. Recently I played Neverwinter Nights 2 user-made modules that work like that, with a single char plus other chars that join. I'll post reviews of them later on.
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Re: Just a hope

Postby deathknight1728 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:47 am

Theres nothing wrong with avadon's way (the way you described where others join) or have personalities. I just cant fulfill a role when using a madeparty with games like icewind dale. The only time i played icewind dale or temple of elemental evil or avernum, was when using 1 character that can get through the game. I find little roleplaying if i play the other way as there is less emphasis on the character and more on the team. Games like that are good but in my opinion are strategy first and roleplaying is second.
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Re: Just a hope

Postby Dorateen » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:03 pm

Actually, create your own party games have been the traditional approach in cRPGs, and have their roots in Pen and Paper/Dungeons & Dragons gaming. A party was formed by a team of players. It was not one single player and then the DM (or whoever is making the game , in the context of a computer environment, like a bioware type company) supplying NPCs to fill out the rest of your party.

In a single-player cRPG experience, the best way to aproximate this is to have the player create his or her whole party. If you have one character you like to play as yourself, there is no reason you cannot create other party members who have a relationship with your character. What? They don't have any friends or family? The difference is it shifts the creative process to the player, rather then being dependent upon the game maker to supply these joinable companions.

Player-created parties, I find, allow for more role-playing on a greater magnitude. It is about you, the player, telling the story about your band of adventurers, as opposed to a "bioware" type studio or their ilk forcing you to listen (or watch; their games are more cinematic and not much games at all) to their story.

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Re: Just a hope

Postby deathknight1728 » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:59 pm

Its still more tactical and less roleplaying regardless. Im sorry to say that but every game ive ever played that was like that, i never finish because there was no differentiating between my characters. Take avernum for example, you cant differentiate between which character is which. Its just fighter #1 and fighter#2, priest #1 Priest#2. That pretty much just sucks. Who would want to play a game like that when it is really just a strategy game with roleplaying elements. I honestly would rather die five times over than play through any game that resembles that.
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Re: Just a hope

Postby Dorateen » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:30 pm

If a player cannot differentiate between their own characters they made, that is a limitation on their part.

I am grateful for Knights of the Chalice, which allows for a better role-playing experience.
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Re: Just a hope

Postby BlueSalamander » Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:30 am

I think I could play with two fighter characters that are basically the same as long as they're effective. Because I appreciate the combat and tactical aspect a lot more than the story aspect. I'd give them a different gender.
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Re: Just a hope

Postby Waterd103 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:20 am

Maybe i Have just a big imagination, but I feel I roleplay with my party even if i create them, in fact in my mind i create backgrounds and how everything came up to this point when the story start. Part of the reason I play mostly in ironman mode, If my party died, THEY DIED. I can't erase the part of my memories where that party died, and restart from, there, it just makes no sense.
My point is that even as a "powergamer" I find a lot of roleplaying in "create your party" rpg kind of games.
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