Some thoughts about KotC2

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Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby Arche » Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:08 pm

I've only played through the demo of KotC, so I'm not in much of a position to be making detailed suggestions for things that could be improved in the sequal, but here is my two gold pieces worth anyway. I really enjoyed the demo and am very tempted to purchase the game, but a few things are keeping me away, certain things which are really annoying and which I hope are not a big part of the full game.

a) Moments like the troll battle in the demo, where the party is surprised can be intensely annoying. I think the battle system in KotC is really wonderful and the appeal of the game is getting to enjoy this tactical element. However, moments like the troll battle defeat this purpose by putting you in a situation where you are forced to reload 10 times before being lucky enough not to have your half your party wiped out before you can blink. Obviously reloading is going to happen a lot in a hard game but I don't like the idea of relying on chance to get past an encounter.

b) The situation mentioned above could be greatly improved by allowing spells to be cast outside of combat. Then a party could at least prepare itself for what might lie ahead by casting some protective or buffing spells. I don't know whether this would go totally against the rule set you are working with, but it would be a lot more enjoyable in my opinion.

c) Having to rely on finding fireplaces seems like an odd design choice, unless this is intended to make certain sections of the game more difficult. It would make more sense to have the option to build a fire, as long as you have firewood and either flint and tinder, or perhaps cast some kind of flame spell on the wood. There could be an option to gather wood outside, or buy it, so that the party would have to have it in their inventory in order to be able to rest, but at least they could rest when they choose to, and not have to look for a fire place that just happens to be lying around.

d) It would also be much better if it were possible to move characters individually outside of battle. Especially if you introduce a rogue class in the next game, it would be good for one character to be able to scout ahead. A good example of where this could have been useful is the bit in the demo where you get grapped in the narrow tunnel and fried with lightning by the mage and his friends.

Anyway, just a few thoughts. Overall I'm very impressed with the game, at least what I've seen in the demo, and I think with a few improvements it could be a really great RPG.
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Some thoughts about KotC2


Re: Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby BlueSalamander » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:06 pm

Hello Arche, thanks for your post.
b) There will be a few more spells that can be cast outside combat. Some of them will have a gold cost. See ... Wizard.htm.
c) Yes, fireplaces are intended to make parts of the game more difficult.
d) You will have a bit more freedom to choose the party's marching formation, but not to point that you could scout ahead and prevent ambushes.
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Re: Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby Waterd103 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:30 am

Some things I read in old post taht I would want to comment on.

I think Prebuffing is terrible for hte game, And I love that it isnt in KOTC, I would be sad to see it back as of suggested by some.

In many TACTICAL RPG you cant prebuff and its ok.

The action of being able to prebuff requires a lot of micro.
It may be ok if the number of spells is ridicously small tough.
Games where one should be spending 5 minutes buffing the party all the time are a pain.
One spell ok, 2, ufff, 3 is very annoying.
If you add a lot of random pointless battles, then that + Prebuffing , unplayable to me.

Im happy with no multiclass too. When multiclass is available, you end having all arround monsters that cover their weakness with 1 level of X, , etc.

The darksun multiclass system was terrible too, every char should be fighter also just on HP, that it would give you.

I thnk its a mess that do not add much good.

Some people Think that is good to multiclass so Fighters arent boring, hint, make them not boring, giving them skils if you want that, I dont care either way.

About the different formatiosn optiosn definitly. I think its one of the weakest points of KOTC.

KOTC lack of formations, and only 4 chars (I disagree more is slower , if hte fights are interesting it doesnt matter if the fights are slower, it may be a problem for grinding tough)
remove a lot of what the game can offer as challenges, I think more formations options and more chars would be good, I guess ITs hard to convince to put more than 4 chars, but, I definitly would like formations options.

EDIT: REading the reviews, Im sad you didnt like the Time based quest on Fallout. I didnt play fallout. BUt I love timebased Quests. Why you oppose that? If anything I always hated how most modern RPGS time is meaningless, you can rest 10 years, nothign happen, take 1000 hours, nothing happen. Thats breaks the suspension of disbelief, and more important, makes the game non-tense since you can take your time for everything, which seems of lame.
I love to have the pressure to hurry and do things in time, real quest dont have infinite time. Also that is a way to make some things more interesting. Resting may have a price (Because time is running out), Craft may be more expensive (if you make craft take hours, or whatever, instead of instant), Or even turns may be time so you not only want to win against minions, to move on, but you want to win fast because your time is running short. More important if you have the option to fight or to avoid the fight, you may make a strategic decision, fight may give you gold an exp, but it may consume time, because or the fight consume times, or the damage and resource depletion force you to rest, wasting time.

Time is excellent to add challenges, increase realism, and create interesting scenarios, im sad less games are using it.
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Re: Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:30 am

Waterd103 wrote:I guess ITs hard to convince to put more than 4 chars, but, I definitly would like formations options.
Well, maybe some modules will allow six characters instead of four, but yeah, on the whole I think that more than four characters doesn't make things better. First, the fewer characters you have, the more tactical you have to be with your character selection. Second, six characters take a lot of time to move around in combat. Third, all battles need to be scaled up a bit. And fourth, challenge ratings for D&D monsters are based on a party of four so it's simpler to adjust difficulty with a party of four.

EDIT: REading the reviews, Im sad you didnt like the Time based quest on Fallout. I didnt play fallout. BUt I love timebased Quests. Why you oppose that?
Interesting question. No, I don't oppose time-based quests. In fact, I'd like to add some functionality to the engine just for the purpose of time-limited quests. As in The Magic Candle, where a demon is unleashed on the world if the player fails to complete the quest before the melting of the candle. In Fallout 1, I didn't like it because the entire game hinges on that quest. You are not given clues as to where to go and the allowed period can easily end before you complete the quest. So you may have developed your character successfully, but the game forces you to restart from the beginning just because you spent too much time travelling between places.

you can rest 10 years, nothign happen, take 1000 hours, nothing happen. Thats breaks the suspension of disbelief, and more important, makes the game non-tense since you can take your time for everything, which seems of lame.
Hence, campfires should allow resting a limited number of times.

Craft may be more expensive (if you make craft take hours, or whatever, instead of instant)
There won't be any crafting.

turns may be time so you not only want to win against minions, to move on, but you want to win fast because your time is running short.
Yes, that's a good idea. For example, a fight could take place in a room depleting itself of air, or filling itself with water or sand, or temperature becoming more extreme every round.
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Re: Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby IgnatiusReilly » Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:48 am

There won't be any crafting.

This makes me happy. :)
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Re: Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby puffdaddy » Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:25 am

Which type of hero do you like best? Superman? Spiderman? Batman? I like Ninjas best because they can dodge! And their skills are cool. So I create a character in Ninja Heroes and decided to become the best ninja.
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Re: Some thoughts about KotC2

Postby deathknight1728 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:35 pm

You know whats really funny. Everytime I want to play temple of elemental evil, I just think to myself, why not play KOTC instead. Kotc 2 will rock the house!
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