Thogar/white case/can't attack

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Thogar/white case/can't attack

Postby LordSith » Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:49 pm

during a fight with Yanos lieutenant and minions, I can suddenly control a "Thogar" character when someone from the enemy team go in a south room.

1- he can't target anyone except 1 person in his room (whom I killed already).

See this screenshot showing that he can't attack my enemies.


When i click on an enemy it opens the enemy character sheet...

I don't have (or remind myself having had) that before...

Maybe it's range related but it's strange due to number 2:
2- when moving the cursor, white cases appear , see screenshot:


I'm quite sure that's not normal and that he can and should either be my enemy (and thus me not controlling him) or my ally (and thus me able to use him to strike down the enemy in the screenshot.

Edit: please take note of the fact that after the fight, he was still alive but nothing is said about him and he isn't teleported by Yanos. Yeeks.
OS: windows 10, 64bits, family edition.

Playing KOTC steam version since march 2022.
Silver Wyrm (CR 24)
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Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:53 pm

Thogar/white case/can't attack


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