Bugs with "Elephant"

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Bugs with "Elephant"

Postby Atoch » Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:32 pm

I had to observe that in most encounters “Elephant”, if used by a unit controlled by the player in the very first round of a battle, will not induce the shaken condition – even if the enemies save failed. In subsequent rounds there were no such problems. The A.I. controlled barbarians didn’t share this problem of the “first round”.

A few pictures:

Image Image Image Image

in most encounters, but not all:


Also, the Psionic Beetle seems to be immune against the shaken condition, even if I don’t find any indications for this under “feats” or “effects”.

Image Image Image
Umber Hulk (CR 14)
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Bugs with "Elephant"


Re: Bugs with "Elephant"

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:55 pm

Hello Atoch! Thank you for the bug report!

I will investigate and fix the two issues (1st round Shaken condition not applied, and Psionic Beetle not affected).

Cheers! Best regards :)
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Re: Bugs with "Elephant"

Postby Atoch » Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:51 pm

After further testing it seems that the problem with the “Elephant” “Shaken”-condition is even more random than I thought – it could be that the problem with the Psionic Beetle is not specific to the Psionic Beetle.

So I tried to test some other fear-inducing spells too – and I found some issues (but probably unrelated to the Elephant problem?) (unfortunately I hadn’t a Psionic Beetle for the testing at hand)

- Psionic “Demoralise” (level 1 spell): “Demoralise” always succeeds; the enemy doesn’t get a Will-Save to resist (contrary to the spell-description). Two “Demoralise” don’t upgrade the “Shaken”- condition to “Cowering”.

- Clerics “Cause Fear” (level 1 spell): if a “demoralised” enemy succeeds his will-save against “Cause Fear” → the combat-long “Shaken”- condition (caused by “Demoralise”) will be substituted with a short-timed “Shaken”- condition caused by “Cause Fear”.

-Wizards “Scare” (level 2 spell): if a “demoralised” enemy succeeds his will-save against “Scare” → the combat-long “Shaken”- condition (caused by “Demoralise”) will be upgraded and substituted with a short-timed “Cowering”- condition.

To be honest: I like it as it is.
You could just change the description.
And yeah, the combination of “Demoralise” and “Scare” is a bit scary (HA!)!
[I’m not serious – it should be changed in some way … but as long the “system” doesn’t know this trick... ]
Umber Hulk (CR 14)
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Re: Bugs with "Elephant"

Postby BlueSalamander » Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:18 pm

Thank you Atoch! :)

It's all fixed now for version 1.44.

The second effect of Spirit Animal Elephant was ignored, when activated by the player.

For Demoralise, I had forgotten to set the Willpower saving throw in the Spell Editor.

Cause Fear, Cause Fear (Cleric), Scare and Fear (and only those) will upgrade the condition Shaken to the Cowering condition. I've updated the spell descriptions, too.

Demoralise and the Spirit Animal Elephant cannot cause the Cowering condition.

If you apply Shaken from the Spirit Animal Elephant to a target that was demoralised, the previous Shaken condition is removed and the new one is applied, even if the duration of the new effect is shorter. That's normal behaviour and a general rule for all spells and effects that apply a non-stacking condition.

Cheers! Best regards 8-)
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