So, I was “testing” (Ver. 1.42) the new Spirit Animals in the tutorial … and I had some difficulties to understand what happened or what was supposed to happen during the fights using the new Spirit Animals.
D&D 3.5 normally knows two very fast actions: “Free Actions” and “Swift Actions”
KotC2 on the other hand knows only “Free Actions”- technically.

Well, the activations of the new Spirit Animals are still called “Free Actions” - but they act like “Swift Actions” i.e. a second activation of a Spirit Animal in the same round is possible but takes a “Move Action” and a third activation needs a “Standard Action”. This doesn’t look like a bug and is probably intended.
Here an incomplete list:
“Free Actions” as free actions in KotC2:
- Activation Rage (since ver.1.42 no further restrictions afaik)
- 5-foot-Step (specific limitation: no further movement)
- Swift Combat Manoeuvrer (Greater Trip,…) (specific limitations: only one Swift Combat Manoeuvrer per round - according to the in-game-help; I didn't test it)
“Free Actions” as swift actions in KotC2:
- Activation Spirit Animals
- (Activation Rage before ver.1.42 ?)
- ?
This means e.g. that, if you have the feat “Greater Bullrush”, you can use “Bullrush”(feat) → 5-foot-Step → Activation “Bull” → “Bullrush” (Spirit Animal) → Full-Round Attack
But if you activate two Spirit Animals → only a “Standard Action” is left.
Also: The description of “Scorpion” should mention that you only get the additional attack - if you use the “Full-Round Attack” action!
(The above statement should explain why you will not get an additional attack with “Scorpion” if you activate another Spirit Animal in the same round)
Also: It would be lovely, if the description of the “Bull” mentioned that the additional “Bullrush” stacks with the feat “Greater Bullrush”.
Also: Description “Elephant”:
This probably means: The Difficulty Class of the Elephant is: 10 + Con. Modifier + half character level"The Difficulty Class” is based on your Constitution.