Hearkenwold review thread (no spoilers)

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Re: Hearkenwold review thread (no spoilers)

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:11 pm

Thank you so much for the kind words Dorateen!! :)

I haven't had a chance to play through the Hearkenwold module yet. But I have installed it and I look forward to playing it at some point. ^_^
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Re: Hearkenwold review thread (no spoilers)


Re: Hearkenwold review thread (no spoilers)

Postby Dorateen » Fri Aug 05, 2022 7:58 pm

Just a quick update, as I am very close to releasing a new version of Hearkenwold that will include fixes and improvements, all the recent class upgrades as well. And there will be new adventure as part of the campaign. Here is a video showing some content from one of the areas, with the party getting into a bit of trouble.


Hope to have the module available by the end of the month or early September.
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Re: Hearkenwold review thread (no spoilers)

Postby Dorateen » Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:46 pm

I posted in the release thread for Hearkenwold, but wanted to mention the latest update here. Version 1.45 is now available to download from the Nexus page:


This contains a new adventure called Edinmoor, that is now part of the overall campaign.

Special thanks for the great feedback I have received from players, which has allowed to make corrections, fixes and improvements to the existing content. And of course Pierre, who was able to update creatures with the new class features for Barbarians, Monks and Rogues.
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