BlueHinter's 400+ New Sprites and Tokens (download here)

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Re: BlueHinter's 200+ New Sprites and Tokens (download here)

Postby bluehinter » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:29 am

Download the zip file containing everything I've made here:
Updated with new Tokens 8/24/2020

I just added part I of a fairly major expansion to my token collection above, mainly for those folks who might be working on Adventure Module creation. (not that you can't also use them for player characters as well)

There are a few miscellaneous new sprites thrown in there as well, but this particular update adds two new groups of tokens, one for Guards (which currently includes about 30 figures in steel and chain mail armor, and 6 crossbowmen) and one for Townfolk, which includes 86 new sprites consisting of a wide array of NPCs one might meet throughout the course of a D&D style village.

I will probably expand upon this collection further once I actually get around to making a module myself, but for now the set includes male and female villagers of various social classes, the obligatory bar patrons, innkeepers, a barmaid, some couriers (including one shot with an arrow), several nuns, an abbot, friar and magistrate, a traveling peddler, the village idiot, and one goat. There are also some lords and ladies, with some of the lords having alternate a, b, c, and d, tiles with changing expressions from friendly to megalomaniac, since (as any good DM will tell you) if anybody is going to turn out to be secretly evil, it's the guy who hired you for your first mission. And I threw in three mysterious Hooded Figures (always a D&D staple) and 6 Rangers (because the majority of these tiles came from a Robin Hood movie.)

If anybody is actively working on a module and wants to request something specific for their story that's fairly easy to capture from sword and sorcery movies (i.e. don't ask me to whip up an entire Kobold village, or other D&D monsters), let me know and I may be able to help you out... time permitting. I do plan on adding a few more merchants, blacksmiths, armor smiths, fletchers, apothecaries, and other people that you are likely to need to buy things from and/or run quests for in Part II, plus hopefully some other D&D staples including farmers, miners, serfs, prisoners, cultists, and various "disposable muscle" thug villains suitable for early level campaigns where you're mainly fighting non-magic users.

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Re: BlueHinter's 200+ New Sprites and Tokens (download here)


Re: BlueHinter's 400+ New Sprites and Tokens (download here)

Postby Yankee » Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:16 pm

wow-wow-wow, this is epic!
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Re: BlueHinter's 400+ New Sprites and Tokens (download here)

Postby God » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:44 am

There's also 3 token packs made by Codex members to download from Nexus.

Maybe it's just me but i like them better.

There's also a lot more token packs on the Codex but they're lost somewhere in the giant KotC 2 thread.
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Re: BlueHinter's 400+ New Sprites and Tokens (download here)

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:48 pm

Awesome, looks very cool! Thank you for the hard work BlueHinter! Also thank you for the link, God! If anyone has the links from the RPG Codex please feel free to post them here. I will make this thread sticky.

By the way, I'm planning to add some more high-res monster sprites, as I've missed a bunch of them from PVG (the ones in the Monster Legacy pack).
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