Bug reports

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:54 pm

Die Hard feat doesn't work properly: the injured character only gets the 1hp per level part at the end of any fight (a level 1 character gets 1hp, a level 3 gets 3hp, etc.) but the additional 1d8 roll is missing.
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Re: Bug reports


Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:22 pm

I think there is an error in the Psychic Healer feat Healing Focus: one of the benefits enumerated in the description is that the Psionic Power Cell Division is used as a level-2 power instead of a level-3 when you take his feat, but the power is originally level-2 in all the lists so this is no advantage.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:20 pm

Hello everyone, thank you for the bug reports!

1) When talking to the innkeeper, I asked for a discount and he agreed to only charge me 200gp- but then I couldn't actually select the option. The regular room costs 400gp and I had 350.
Indeed. I've just fixed it for version 1.38.

2) When doing the little quest to get rid of the rowdy dwarves, I had a psionicist who knows Demoralize and has enough PP to cast it, but the option only exists to use a scroll of Demoralize.
Not a bug, you do need a scroll for this out-of-combat use.

I think the Point Blank Shot feat doesn't work as intended: the description states that the character gets +1 on both the attack and the damage rolls, but in the game only the later is applied - the bonus to the Attack one is missed.
This was fixed in version 1.30.

And one question: the bonuses for Point Black Shot and Careful Shot can and should stack, right?
Yes, the type of the ranged attack roll bonus from Point Blank Shot is 'generic', so it stacks with everything.

It seems there is a problem when recruiting Jorad in the tavern in Finchbury
Just did a quick check with version 1.38, had no issue, so it must have been fixed earlier.

Die Hard feat doesn't work properly: the injured character only gets the 1hp per level part at the end of any fight (a level 1 character gets 1hp, a level 3 gets 3hp, etc.) but the additional 1d8 roll is missing.
Indeed. I've just fixed it for version 1.38.

I think there is an error in the Psychic Healer feat Healing Focus: one of the benefits enumerated in the description is that the Psionic Power Cell Division is used as a level-2 power instead of a level-3 when you take his feat, but the power is originally level-2 in all the lists so this is no advantage.
True. So, I've just changed the feat so that it allows you to activate Cell Division as a level-1 power.

Thank you!! Best regards 8-)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Quaelgeist » Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:10 pm

Hello everybody,

I am currently in the big area after I ascended the staircase next to the witches.
Here are several apparitions appearing after fights, posing riddles. Some, like the chessmaster or the pilosopher worked fine but at least these two are bugged:

There is a crossword puzzle where the solutions I enter are then displayed almost half a screen below or below/right where they should be, obstructing the view of other squares.

There is also a door where I have to enter like x (multiply), square, circle or + after deciphering a scroll. Nothing at all is displayed on the square areas I have to click on, so I can't see which symbol they are currently set to.

best regards
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Dorateen » Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:21 pm

This was an issue with the new single panel dialogue interface introduced in patch 1.37

It should be fixed in the latest update 1.38 that was just released. But the fix is to go into the options under display, and uncheck the Merged dialogue option. Then those puzzles should work.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Quaelgeist » Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:57 pm

Dorateen wrote:This was an issue with the new single panel dialogue interface introduced in patch 1.37

It should be fixed in the latest update 1.38 that was just released. But the fix is to go into the options under display, and uncheck the Merged dialogue option. Then those puzzles should work.

Thank you very much, it worked!

Now I can fail miserably at this dastardly crossword puzzle :-D
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Atoch » Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:08 pm

A small Bug [ver. 1.43]:

wearable stacked boots and bracers

Image Image Image



Are these stairways supposed to be usable? I couldn’t...

Image Image
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:35 pm

wearable stacked boots and bracers
Actually, they're not stacked boots / bracers. They are magic items with a number of charges. The number indicated is the number of charges remaining for the day.

I'll see if I can do something about Maphistor getting positioned on top of the other characters out of combat, though.

Are these stairways supposed to be usable? I couldn’t...
No, they're not.

Thank you!! Best regards 8-)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Atoch » Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:27 pm

Actually, they're not stacked boots / bracers. They are magic items with a number of charges. The number indicated is the number of charges remaining for the day.

Oh, that's a bit embarrassing :lol:

But it does look like it! :oops:
Perhaps you could give the number another colour?
Umber Hulk (CR 14)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:45 pm

Perhaps, we'll see. :)
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