Bug reports

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Re: Bug reports

Postby MrLicorice » Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:43 pm

Reporting a recurring bug (as of 1.44)

The AOE spell preview does not always match the true outcome.
Characters at the edge of the spell not tagged during the preview end-up receiving damage, and vice versa.

Not sure what is causing this or whether this is intentional or not... I play using tokens, I do not know if that has any bearing on the bug.
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Re: Bug reports


Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:56 am

Hello MrLicorice! Thank you for posting. It's not a bug, it's a game option.

Under Gameplay Options, please click 'Determine Targets Of Spread Spells Accurately' and the game will show the actual outcome of your spread spells.

Best regards 8-)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Atoch » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:11 pm

A few trivialities:


False Description?: Is “Spell Penetration”really a prerequisite? It doesn't seem to be the case...


Also: “Spell Penetration” is not on the list of recommended feats for my “Psionicist”



Also: “Superior Psychometabolism” asserts to reduce the activation time of “Evade Burst” to a move action. But the activation of “Evade Burst” is a move action even without this feat.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Atoch » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:47 am

Again some minor issues:

- My party got a surprise round; still, the action menu shows the full-round-action “Rapid-Shot” as an option for my Cleric. However it is a fake option – my Cleric got only one shot. (My Cleric doesn’t have “Wade In” of course)


- My Psionicist is level 10. She can’t cast the 2nd level power “Energy Absorption” with 3 powerpoints, but only with 9 powerpoints.

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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Sat Oct 01, 2022 4:16 pm

False Description?: Is “Spell Penetration”really a prerequisite? It doesn't seem to be the case...
Definitely, Spell Penetration is not a prerequisite for Superior Concentration. I noticed that error recently and I've fixed it for version 1.48 (or the current version 1.47, I don't remember).

“Spell Penetration” is not on the list of recommended feats for my “Psionicist”
Actually, Spell Penetration is only recommended when your level is nine or above.

“Superior Psychometabolism” asserts to reduce the activation time of “Evade Burst” to a move action. But the activation of “Evade Burst” is a move action even without this feat.
Correct. So, I will make it a Free Action with the feat. I'll update the help entry, too.

My party got a surprise round; still, the action menu shows the full-round-action “Rapid-Shot” as an option for my Cleric. However it is a fake option – my Cleric got only one shot. (My Cleric doesn’t have “Wade In” of course)
Yup. I will fix that.

My Psionicist is level 10. She can’t cast the 2nd level power “Energy Absorption” with 3 powerpoints, but only with 9 powerpoints.
I will fix that, too.

Thank you so much for all the bug reports Atoch! I appreciate it. Best regards :)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jward1983 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:55 am

Greetings, after a 7 month break I returned to KotC2 to pickup my old save. I never had any problems with running the game in the past - same computer, OS, etc. Now I am unable to play without a freeze/crash to desktop after spending more than 30 seconds or so in the inventory screen. I have no issues in combat or moving about - but for a week or two now I've tried on and off to play the game and religiously crash in the inventory screen. There is no specific operation I'm doing - it could be trying to move an item or look at an item, view stats, etc. I have crashed regardless of what I'm doing - the only constant is that I'm in the inventory screen

Is there any way for me to get a stacktrace or dump from the game when it crashes to send any info to you to help debug what could be happening here?
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:48 pm

Hello jward1983, thank you for posting! Sorry to hear about the inventory-screen crash.

Do you experience that when starting a game from scratch?

Can you please start a new Tutorial game, select one of the pre-created characters, launch the game, and then, as soon as you can, open the Inventory Screen and wait to see if it crashes?

If it crashes only with a particular saved game, please send the saved game to me at enquiries@heroicfantasygames.com and I will investigate.

Are you using version 1.59 of the game? Are you playing on Windows or macOS? Is it the Steam version, GOG version, or direct-download version? Are you playing in windowed mode or full-screen mode?

There isn't a stacktrace or dump but with a saved game and the extra information I should be able to identify the issue. Thank you!! Best regards :)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jward1983 » Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:14 am

Thanks for the reply - don't worry about it. I started playing a new game on one of my other computers and haven't had issues on that one so I'm going to just keep doing a new playthrough there. The game is fun to replay anyways so no big deal.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby radiopaul1 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:41 pm

I'm trying to roll a Psionicist, but clicking on "Psionic Powers" always crashes the game.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:47 pm

Hello radiopaul1 and welcome to the forums!

Thank you so much for letting me know about that bad bug.

Please download version 1.60. That should fix the problem. It's already online for the Steam and GOG version. The direct download version should be available by tomorrow.

If anyone experiences a crash, please don't hesitate to email me at enquiries@heroicfantasygames.com. That's the quickest way for me to fix problems.

Cheers! Best regards :)
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