Overrun "hidden" cost

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Overrun "hidden" cost

Postby Sangarunya » Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:32 pm

According to the rules, the movement cost when a character pass through an occupied square is doubled and the Overrun feat is needed. The action is calculated correctly in the game but the info displayed over the movement arrows doesn't add that cost and differs with the real penalization.

In this image the Distance is showed as 10 and the character has 63 movement points left (lower left corner):
Now the character has just moved over the kobold and he has 48 movement point (63-15). The calculus is correct but the arrow cost omitted the overrun.
Another move back to the original position: 15 minus move points to 33, not the 10 Distance.

Interface consistency is very important in a tactical game - the information showed cannot be contradicting. Yes, you should remember having chosen the Overrun feat and the character is obviously moving through an occupied square but in the heat of the battle is easy to make a small mistake, move a character and discover that doesn't have enough points left to do what you have planned.
I think the arrows should show the real movement cost and avoid any misunderstandings.
Hezrou (CR 11)
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Overrun "hidden" cost


Re: Overrun "hidden" cost

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:52 pm

Hello Sangarunya :)

Thank you for your post. So, what you would like to see is the expected movement cost.

The current tooltip display is only the distance in feet, so if the path is just two squares, then the distance is just 10 feet regardless of the presence of things such as rubble or creatures somewhere in the path.

The game does try to calculate the expected movement cost, but it's reflected in the colour of the arrows in the path. You can see this in your second picture: the second arrow is yellow, meaning that completing this move will require you to expend your second move action and you will no longer be able to attack. That's because your movement points will drop from 48 to 33 and you need to keep 40 points in order to retain your standard action.

However, it's not always accurate because something can happen when your character moves. If you're moving through a web, you might get stuck. If you're moving through grease, you might fall down. If you're moving near the enemy, you might get tripped or paralysed. If you're moving through energy squares, you might die before reaching the destination.

So, the distance is always correct, but the expected movement cost may be wrong. You still think that the tooltip should display the expected cost, instead of the distance? Cheers 8-)
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Re: Overrun "hidden" cost

Postby Sangarunya » Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:35 pm

The tooltip correctly calculates the distance between squares but the arrow color tip only warnings you when the previous movement costs too much points to do the action that you have in mind. In that moment, the color changes and you have to think where your math fails and reconsider options. But if you are at full movement (80 in the photo) and you move through the kobold, you spend 15 points instead of the 10 that the distance shows. The arrows are still green but if you didn't realize that your character moved through a difficult terrain square, you spent five extra points and perhaps your plan for this turn is thwarted. The correct cost of the action can be read in the lower left corner after you have committed the action.

Perhaps it's stretching things a little bit, but the tooltip should show you in some way that the character is moving through a square with an additional penalization to movement to know that the distance cost being displayed is not the real points number needed to move through those squares and a penalization is going to be applied, increasing the number of actions points required to move the path you've selected.

Any damaging square, any threatened square by an enemy, any square with an active effect that doesn't increase the movement cost should not be accounted by the distance tooltip. But if the cost of moving is different from the usual five point for a vertical/horizontal or seven for a diagonal, then the player should be warned somehow. Perhaps an icon next to the distance in the display box or the real cost under the calculated over the grid.

A greased tile or a webbed one modify the movement cost, independently of the fact that the character can fall or being stuck if fails a saving throw. Because of that, if you want to move the adventurer four squares in a straight line and two of them are greased, the distance is twenty but the real cost is thirty, accounting for the halved speed when crossing those two squared with grease. If the character manages to arrive at the desired destiny is another tale. The UI should display how many points will be spent if he goes from the starting tile to the objective.

Anyways, the calculus can be done by hand so this is not an urgent issue but it will be helpful to simplify battles with lots of characters.
Last edited by Sangarunya on Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hezrou (CR 11)
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Re: Overrun "hidden" cost

Postby BlueSalamander » Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:05 pm

I agree. I'll see what I can do about this. I'm taking a note. Thank you for the feedback! :)
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