An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

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An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

Postby Atoch » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:13 am

Yes, no serious stuff … just something I would like to see. Something, that could increase the comfort-level of the players – probably.

1. A dedicated Shop-Interface.
I admit, that the current solution does its job – in an improvising way.
However a real shop-interface would allow a much greater assortment, an easier upgrade of the goods, it would allow even re-buying stuff sold previously, a more satisfying shopping experience in general - and it would make the game look more professional.

2. Options to increase the size of the mini-map.
In Finchbury I found myself trying to pop up the mini-map several times, because I just couldn’t recognise the smaller details on it.

3. Recurring grinding places
Now, that is not something I wish to to see!
But I would accept it, if it would be in a (very) limited way. In KotC1 it was to much – way too much!
Umber Hulk (CR 14)
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An engine-wishlist of secondary degree


Re: An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:41 am

Hello Atoch! Thank you for all the great feedback and suggestions.

a real shop-interface would allow a much greater assortment, an easier upgrade of the goods, it would allow even re-buying stuff sold previously, a more satisfying shopping experience in general - and it would make the game look more professional.
I probably can't change the interface itself now, but I see your points about allowing merchants to offer more goods, and allowing the player to buy back items that were sold previously. I might do something about these at some point.

Options to increase the size of the mini-map. In Finchbury I found myself trying to pop up the mini-map several times, because I just couldn’t recognise the smaller details on it.
Indeed. That's something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I was considering a local-map screen as in KotC 1. However, a larger mini-map may be sufficient.

3. Recurring grinding places
Now, that is not something I wish to to see!
But I would accept it, if it would be in a (very) limited way. In KotC1 it was to much – way too much!
So you want it or you don't want it? I'm guessing you mean something like respawning random encounters.

Best regards 8-)
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Re: An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

Postby Atoch » Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:18 pm

Hello BlueSalamander!

I'm guessing you mean something like respawning random encounters.

Ahm, yes, that’s what I wanted to say…

In your new kickstarter-upgrade ( you drew some ideas about your upcoming modules and all my “wishes” refer to the new modules (I just forgot to mention this – AoC is good as it is).

The next module seems more similar in its design to KotC1, therefore I mentioned the, ahm, wanted to mention, the “respawning random encounters”, because I see the benefit and internal logic to reinstitute such a gameplay mechanic in the more open world design of the new module – but on the other hand: “precise designed” encounters are just so much better and fun to play.

So, perhaps I should just ask: What is your position on “respawning random encounters”? Will we see them again?
Umber Hulk (CR 14)
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Re: An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:10 pm

Thank you. Mm, well, I don't think they're very interesting in general (the purely random ones that keep respawning).

We'll see. I haven't taken a decision on that yet.

For the merchants, I think that the best will be to have a script command to display the trading screen using the items found inside an activable zone (the merchant's store) rather than the items found inside the merchant's backpack. That way there can be as many items for sale as we want and the game will keep track of whatever the player has sold to the trader so that it can be bought back.

Cheers :)
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Re: An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

Postby Atoch » Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:24 pm

Another possible task for our diligent developer, if he ever feels really bored:

More statistics!

Total damage output, damage output melee/archery/spells, total damage received, received damage blocked by DR, total hit rate, hit rate melee/archery/spells, total critical rate, critical rate melee/archery/spells, damage output critical hits, critical damage melee/archery/spells, most used spell in combat, highest single attack damage, success rate of spells …

The possibilities are almost endless!
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Re: An engine-wishlist of secondary degree

Postby BlueSalamander » Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:05 pm

Hello Atoch :)

A pretty interesting suggestion! Thank you.

I guess it would require several sub-pages in the 'Stats' tab of the Character Sheet, accessible with a few new buttons.

Won't be a priority, of course. But it may happen at some point. It's in my notes now.

Cheers! Best regards 8-)
'Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it! But heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat!!' - Luffy in One Piece
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