Bug reports

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Bug reports

Postby rogaldorn » Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:19 pm

I created a party including a female cloudpounder? (whatever has +4 dex) gladiator and the option to use a half-giant to pick up the portcullis in the starting room was unavailable.
The lift DC was 14 and my roll was somehow 0, uncertain if that was intentional or not.
I received a game over instantly upon the enemies rolling initiative.
Uploaded is my character roster file, let me know if any other files would be helpful.
Oh, I can't upload that file. Let me know if it would be vital and I'll upload it to a 3rd party site.
Centaur (CR 3)
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Bug reports


Re: Bug reports

Postby rogaldorn » Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:24 pm

I restarted the game (it crashed when I tried to load the save before combat) and it crashed when trying to load from the main menu. I started a new file and managed to get into combat. I wonder if quicksaving borked the game?
Centaur (CR 3)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby claiminglight » Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:01 am

CTD: After interacting with the portcullis in the first room I selected "Let the whole party deal with it.". I only have a single character in my party.
Runtime error triggered, but I can see that the option was removed from the choice list and the dialogue box is displaying the very first opening message, "Searching for treasure in the Sewers of Finchnury...."

Immediately after, I reloaded the save I made when I first gained control of my character. The game froze on loading this save. I've tried four times now. I have to assume that, somehow, this save is corrupted.

Running Win 7.
Stone Giant (CR 8)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Ragniz » Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:22 am

CTD after beating Vikaras, whenever he's reduced to 0hp game crashes. I've tried killing him first, going for his goons first and it doesn't matter, game crashes everytime.
I've also tried to go back to the "Chaos pool" room and after moving a bit the game crashes again.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby claiminglight » Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:23 am

Searching the cobweb in the first room does not add a d20 to your check. It instead takes your flat intelligence score (which would require a character with 22INT from level 1, if somehow intended)
Stone Giant (CR 8)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby claiminglight » Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:28 am

rogaldorn wrote:I restarted the game (it crashed when I tried to load the save before combat) and it crashed when trying to load from the main menu. I started a new file and managed to get into combat. I wonder if quicksaving borked the game?

You know, I happened to notice that, when I *first* entered the game for the first time, my character didn't have equipment. I remember thinking "huh, ok, so this is a Naked and Afraid kind of a situation".
After starting a fresh game when I realized my save was corrupted, I had gear. I imagine you and I encountered the same problem.
Stone Giant (CR 8)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Ragniz » Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:19 am

I'm getting a crash when diving into the healing pool wich is funny because just before this I was able to dive just fine but died since I forgot to drink the waterbreathing potions. Now I can't drink them (crash after dragging the potion to the use icon), dive into the pool (crash on loading screen) or progress because the big fight with cultists kicks my $#!@.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Pheneal » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:42 am

Okay, lets see -
- Loading a game only works on a freshly started game for me. Trying to reload a game, or quick load seems to work at first, but crashes on the next occasion - a door, a dialog, etc.
- Sometimes i get no starting gear when starting a game. Naked, no weapons. Quite challanging. I'll try a six-monk-party next. Solved.
- In the second room i cant open the middle crate. I have a crowbar. I have rogue. I have a fighter. I have a mage. But no, doesnt let me. Says party doesnt have any of them.
- The dialog after the slave-girl shows up drops me to my desktop. No matter what i do.
Cant test ...i mean play any further. Dead end.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby ianjlafferty » Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:30 pm

The game becomes unresponsive after loading the module. This prevents me from creating a character or selecting premade characters to form a party.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Falco1029 » Sun Jul 05, 2020 3:18 am

In the first area, every time I try to cast a spell outside of combat other than cure light wounds it causes a crash. Both blur and mage armor cause a crash (notably, both personal ranged ones?), no matter which character. On Windows 10.
Goblin (CR 1/3)
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