Bug reports

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:09 pm

More bad links in the Help Database, this time from the Special Abilities section:

- Bonus versus Charging enemies -> Three Charging links go to empty page
- Can See Invisible -> True Seeing link does not work
- Centaur Charge -> Charging link to empty page
- Darkvision Ability -> second Darkness link not working
- Flying -> Energy Wall link does not work
- Gaze Attacks -> Gaze Attacks link not working
- Improved Uncanny Dodge Ability -> Improved Uncanny Dodge Feat link does not work
- Incorporeal -> two Shields links and Deflection Bonuses do not work
- Tiger's Leap -> Charging link to empty page
Hezrou (CR 11)
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Re: Bug reports


Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:32 am

In the Game Options section the Energy Wall link doesn't work, just like "Ironman Mode", "Heroic Concentration" and "Normal and Ironman modes".

In the Difficulty section all the "Level up" and "Ironman Mode" links don't work.

In the Game Shortcuts section the "Main Menu" link at the bottom on the page does not work.

In the Controls Outside Combat section the link "Attack of Opportunities" is faulty, probably because grammar.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:31 pm

Thank you very much for all the error reports, Sangarunya!

I've just fixed all of the broken links in version 1.15. Best regards 8-)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:50 pm

Glad to help to improve the game. Only one section more besides this and I'll stop till next version - lot's corrections that need to be checked.
Today I've been reading the Feats section in the Help Files and these are the bad links:

Feats -> All Feats ->
Ranged Combat Feats:
- Rapid Reload -> Several links don't work: Sling, Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Arbalest
Combat Tactics:
- Heroic Initiative -> link doesn't not work
- Improved Charge -> Charging link to empty page
- Greater Charge -> Charging link to empty page
- Intensified Energy -> Half Salamander link doesn't work
Feats Associated With Magic:
- Improved Luck -> Lightning Reflex link not working
- Heroic Concentration link does not work
- Metamagic Empower -> Magic Missile link not working
Bishop Feats:
- Bishop Spell Focus -> Spell Like Abilities link does not work
- Bishop Greater Spell Focus -> Spell Like Abilities link does not work
Cleric Feats:
- Cleric Spell Focus -> Spell Like Abilities link not working
- Cleric Greater Spell Focus -> Spell Like Abilities link not working
Druid Feats:
- Environmental Aptitude -> Water Breathing ling does not work
- Fire Mastery -> Flame Strike and Fire Storm links don't work
Fighter Feats:
- Shake It Off I -> Prayer(Enemy) link not working
Mage-Knight Feats:
- Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link not working
- Greater Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link not working
Paladin Feats:
- Heroic Shield -> Breath Weapons link not working
Psionicist Feats:
- Discipline Focus Telepathy -> Shatter Mind Blank and Physic Crush links do not work
- Discipline Focus Psychokinesis -> Greater Gust of Wind(Psionicist) link not working
- Discipline Focus Pychometabolism-> Adrenaline Rush link not working
- Improved Radius Energy Ball -> "Psionc" Power link misses an 'i'
Psychic Warrior Feats:
- Superior Pychometabolism -> Elemental Weapon, True Seeing and Spell and Power Resistance links don't work
Rogue Feats:
- Fast Spells -> True Seeing link does not work
Sorcerer Feats:
- Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link doesn't work
- Greater Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link not working
- Counterspelling Mastery -> Ice Storm link does not work
- Cleric Spell Focus -> Spell Like Abilities link not working
- Greater Cleric Spell Focus -> Spell Like Abilities link not working
Storm Warrior Feats:
- Storm Weapon -> "Electericity" Damage link misspelled
- Improved Storm Weapon -> More "Electericity"
Warlock Feats:
- Arcane Transmutation -> Ice Storm link does not work
- Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link doesn't work
- Greater Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link not working
- Spell Shaping Ice Storm -> Ice storm link does not work
Wizard Feats:
- Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link doesn't work
- Greater Spell Focus Necromancy -> Malison link not working
- Spell Shaping Ice Storm -> Ice storm link does not work

I think one of the Spell Magic Ice Storm bad links was reported by Lord_Sith days ago, so at least one of them should be corrected by now.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:09 pm

I was right waiting for the next version of the game before reporting the last bunch of bad links - most of them are correct by now, so these are the last survivors:

- Races -> Player-Character Races -> second Half-Salamander link doesn't work
- Basic Statistics -> Alignment -> Neutral link not working
- Basic Statistics -> Spells -> Heighten, Weapon Focus Touch and Weapon Focus Ranged Touch don't work

I'll wait until you have added more documentation before reading through again - almost all of the links should be OK by now.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:30 pm

Awesome, thank you Sangarunya!! These are now all fixed in the upcoming version 1.17. Cheers 8-)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:51 pm

I've found a few more in 1.17:

- Characters -> Basic Statistics -> Abilites -> Constitution -> Poison
- Characters -> Basic Statistics -> Abilites -> Strength -> Melee Touch and Bow
- Characters -> Basic Statistics -> Abilites -> Intelligence -> Hold Person, Sleep
- Characters -> Basic Statistics -> Abilites -> Wisdom -> Hold Person, Sleep
- Character conditions -> Halted -> Held -> Coup the Grace Weapons (5th paragraph)
- Combat and Weapons -> Combat Actions -> Charge -> Halberds, Spears and Tridents.
- Combat and Weapons -> Combat Actions -> Standard Attack -> Improved Unarmed Strike
- Combat and Weapons -> Combat Actions -> Casting a Spell -> Teleport to World Map and Deaf
- Combat and Weapons -> Combat Actions -> Ready to Counterspell -> Deafened
- Combat and Weapons -> Combat Actions -> Ready versus approach -> Halberd, Spear and Trident.
- Combat and Weapons -> Weapons and armour -> Magic Weapons -> Destruction (link works but redirects to the Cleric Domain Power page instead of a description of the weapon enchantment)
- Character Conditions -> Entangled -> Snaring weapons
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:56 pm

Also, the High Elf gets Spell Resistance equal to 5 + level but is not mentioned anywhere in the Help Files (or at least I haven't seen it).
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Thu Aug 26, 2021 2:12 pm

And one more thing: the character condition Berserk can also be obtained by other spells besides the mentioned in the documentation.

- The Bard ability Aria of Chaos
- The level 7 Psionicist power Insanity
- The Wizard spells Colour Spray and Prismatic Void
- The Psionicist power Mind Hammer with the Improved Mind Hammer feat

In some cases it depends on a random roll and in the last one it requires choosing a feat but I think it'll be worthwhile to enumerate all the different methods for the sake of completeness. I'll read through the Character Conditions looking for missing spell/powers.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Sangarunya » Thu Aug 26, 2021 3:00 pm

Another issue is the lack of completeness when enumerating the different spells, powers and abilities that affect certain conditions. For example, the spell Heal (Cleric 6) removes the Berserk condition but is not mentioned explicitly in the spell documentation, instead is included in the sentence "It also removes (this) and (that) and many conditions." The last three words are the problematic ones: reading the help files doesn't assist you when you have to choose what spells are more important for your party if you don't know for sure if that spell removes one particular condition or not. Having the entire list in the spell page should be the best option. It is mentioned in the Berserk page but visiting every single character condition to check if that spell is a possible cure is a headache.

And yes, is a chore to enumerate one by one all the conditions that that a spell affects but is very important to help the player make decisions. If not, it's all about trial and error. A precise documentation is invaluable in these kinds of games.

Break Enchantment and Greater Break Enchantment are also guilty of this. Unlike the previous mentioned, Contingent Break Enchantment and Contingent Greater Break Enchantment list all the conditions correctly.
Hezrou (CR 11)
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