Hello Sangarunya! Awesome, thank you so much!
I've found a few more in 1.17
I've just fixed them for version 1.19. Thank you!
Also, the High Elf gets Spell Resistance equal to 5 + level but is not mentioned anywhere in the Help Files (or at least I haven't seen it).
No, it's the Wizard who gets that. No special SR bonus for the elves.
In some cases it depends on a random roll and in the last one it requires choosing a feat but I think it'll be worthwhile to enumerate all the different methods for the sake of completeness.
Certainly. I've just updated the help entry for the Berserk condition with this information.
reading the help files [for Heal] doesn't assist you when you have to choose what spells are more important for your party if you don't know for sure if that spell removes one particular condition or not.
True. Although you could peruse the chart about unfavourable effects and that would tell you whether a particular condition can be removed by Heal. The chart is available in-game and also in the middle of this webpage:
Anyway, the conditions removed by Heal are: Acid Burns, Agony, Berserk, Bleeding, Blinded, Burning, Confusion, Dazed, Dazzled, Decerebrated, Disruption, Dying, Exhausted, Fatigued, Feebleminded, Flaming Oil, Impaired, Limping, Nauseated, Sickened, Stunned, Sundered and Unconscious.
I've just updated the spell entries for Heal (all the versions, Cleric, Paladin and Druid) so that all the conditions are now mentioned (version 1.19).
In the list of conditions, there's a problem with Disruption, and Sundered is missing, so I will fix these issues too. Disruption and Sundered are essentially the same effect (a loss in Armour Class) but with a different origin.
The conditions removed by Break Enchantment are: Agony, Baleful Polymorph, Bane, Berserk, Blinded, Command, Confusion, Controlled, Cowering, Crushing Despair, Cursed, Cursed Dirge, Dancing, Dazed, Dazzled, Decerebrated, Disrupted Armour, Disruption, Dominated, Enfeeblement, Fascinated, Feebleminded, Frailty, Halted, Held, Hideous Laughter, Lowered Spell Resistance, Malison, Mind Breach, Mute, Prayer (Enemy), Reduced, Shaken, Sleeping, Slowed, Stunned, Suppressed Sword.
I've just updated the spell entries for Break Enchantment (all the versions: Wizard, Cleric and Paladin) so that all the conditions are now mentioned (version 1.19).
For Greater Break Enchantment, I've added in the spell description a link to Break Enchantment, since both spells remove the same conditions.
As for Dispel Magic, it can remove all conditions that do not originate from items, feats, or terrain effects. Consequently, there isn't any list.
some effects are caused by one spell that belongs to different classes. Would it be worthwhile to mention in the help files the spell for each one of them?
My gut feeling is: it depends. Most conditions can be removed with Dispel Magic, and it should be well known that all full spellcasters can cast Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel Magic, so in my view it doesn't really make sense to list them all in every character-condition entry.
On the other hand, for Align Weapon, it's not so obvious. So in my opinion it makes sense to mention in the entry for the character condition 'Aligned Weapon' that it can be obtained from the spells Align Weapon (Cleric), Mass Align Weapon (Cleric) and Align Weapon (Paladin).
I've just done that for 'Aligned Weapon' (version 1.19).
It is also interesting to mention the various Grease versions in the Balancing condition because they aren't obvious. Particularly, the fact that there is a Rogue version of the spell isn't obvious.
So, I've just done that for 'Balancing' (version 1.19).
Please feel free to post about any other missing elements anywhere. Your help is very much appreciated!! Best regards