Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

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Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby Yankee » Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:26 pm

Hi everyone,
Let's ask questions and give answers on KoTC2 playthrough content here.
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Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]


Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby Yankee » Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:31 pm

I have come up with several q's so far:
1. How to find Erzimon before the grey vs. green arena fight? Access to his location is only given after you survive the arena.
2. How to survive the "furnace" location? My strongest fighter chars cannot survive it because of the constant dot damage. Should I use any specific scroll or flask there?

UPD: found a solution to pt.2, sent there a commando fighter with curing flasks and fire resistance ring and the Megabane sword. Backed by Erzimon to use the sick cold damage scrolls from the chest.
Stone Giant (CR 8)
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Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby Yankee » Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:27 am

Stone Giant (CR 8)
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Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby jms123 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:38 am

Actually those links are one post about getting scrolls from the witches to help with a different fight (the 2nd Pizarra fight) and 3 pertaining to witch-related quest items and dialogs, but not actually about tactics to defeat the witches in battle. :)

I personally don't have advice for that particular fight because I did it very late when I was over-leveled for it and so it was easy. One of the few of those I had.
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Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby Yankee » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:54 pm

I did it very late when I was over-leveled for it and so it was easy.

How did ya manage that? That's a deadend, my only option now is to defeat the lizards + the hydra first, and the hydra is reaaally badass.
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Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby jms123 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:20 pm

You don't have to fight the witches at all to open up the next level, though I don't recall the details of the dialog options anymore.

Not sure if anything has changed, at the time I played around 1.02 - 1.03, you could freely go up and down those stairs by the witches. You weren't blocked until you tried to go back to around where the goblin king was. There was a cave-in around there after going up to the high sewers, so I couldn't go further back, but I could freely travel between the high sewers and the witch area. I kept the witches around so I could ask for scrolls as I needed them, instead of picking ones before I knew what I needed. Plus you can shop from them too. At the time I think they were restocking their potions due to some trigger (combat or map transition or something), which may have been patched out since. Then I went back when I was just about done with the high sewers and had all my scrolls and knew I wouldn't/couldn't buy anything else I wanted from them, and killed them, then did a couple of things that required an item from them after that (discussed in those other threads).

One trick for the hydra, the summoner of the hydra doesn't actually summon it until he gets below a certain HP level. If you manage to kill him outright before he goes below that value, he won't summon the hydra. The hydra will show up by itself after leaving and returning to the area, and you could rest first (if you have any available). Facing the hydra by itself while rested is fairly easy. Not sure if that is working as intended.
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Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:07 pm

Yankee wrote:1. How to find Erzimon before the grey vs. green arena fight? Access to his location is only given after you survive the arena.
The other way is to go through the tombs and furnace first. Cheers :-)
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Re: Game playthrough questions [SPOILERS!]

Postby TomFord » Mon May 15, 2023 12:53 pm

I noticed this thread is a whopping three years old, but hey, better late than never, right? If you have questions or want to share answers about your KoTC2 playthrough, you've come to the right place!
Now, let's get down to business. If you're looking for some extra financial advice while gaming, I suggest checking out Turbo Debt Reviews. It's always smart to stay on top of your money game, my friend.
Feel free to ask any burning questions about KoTC2 gameplay, strategies, or hidden secrets. We're here to help each other out and make the most out of our gaming experience.
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