Choices and Consequences management

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Choices and Consequences management

Postby God » Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:41 am


I want to create a module and i've already checked felipepe's guide, which is a recapitulative of the KotC2 modding thread from the Codex, found dozens of free maps and resized some of them to the right dimensions, still, there's something i'd really like to have and it's C&C.

I want to go for at least two distinctive path where either you go against a group of NPC or they join you and if you go against them, you'll have to fight them later and possibly multiple times (one guy only wounded and your group has to flee).

So, i'm guessing i have to clone these NPC and the encounter(s) will only trigger after a variable check V=0 if they joined you, V=1 if they didn't or you betray/dump them at some point.

Would it be possible?
How to do it?
Did you already write a guide for modding, BlueSalamander? I mean for advanced functions such as this?
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Choices and Consequences management


Re: Choices and Consequences management

Postby God » Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:55 pm

Apparently you can, i'm still fighting for more trivial things though but i'm slowly getting there.
Last edited by God on Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Choices and Consequences management

Postby Dorateen » Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:08 pm

In the Module Editor, under the Special drop down menu on the right, select Edit Module Data. This will allow you to designate the starting map.

Factions should be easy, as you can set the attitude of characters or groups of characters through script commands. You can have NPCs set to neutral, and then change them the act hostile toward the party or ally with the party as needed.
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Re: Choices and Consequences management

Postby God » Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:28 pm

I found it, seems you have to save your maps in the main directory in order to set them as the starting map and probably to use them and i was saving my maps in the map backdrops directory...

Thanks for your answers Dorateen, seems i have to get used to the editor first before trying advanced options, just editing NPC is complex enough for now.
I wanted to add my own tokens for special NPC but the Nexus token pack is good enough for now I guess.

I planned on making this module in six days and take a break afterwards but it seems this world will take much longer after all...

Dorateen wrote:Factions should be easy, as you can set the attitude of characters or groups of characters through script commands. You can have NPCs set to neutral, and then change them the act hostile toward the party or ally with the party as needed.

That's interesting but i'm not sure how it'll work in my case because I intend to do this with recruitable NPC you start with, one being your boss, then add options to dump and betray them.
And after this, if you dumped them, you'll meet them again later and depending on your interactions, they might want to murder you.

But i guess it's doable, I skipped through the script section and there is a lot of options with variables you can name.
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Re: Choices and Consequences management

Postby Dorateen » Thu Apr 08, 2021 8:11 pm

Look forward to playing your module. I find the Editor to be fun to work with, once you get used to where everything is and what script commands do what, then it can go pretty quickly.

Definitely, it is helpful to save frequently. Not that I have had a lot of crashes, but it does happen. One tip I would share, I try to avoid having more than three maps open at the same time. If I need to start working on an additional map, I save and exit to the main menu and open the editor again. This seems to help the editor run more stable.
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Re: Choices and Consequences management

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:03 pm

Hello God :)

i've already checked felipepe's guide, which is a recapitulative of the KotC2 modding thread from the Codex, found dozens of free maps and resized some of them to the right dimensions
If possible, could you please post the links to these resources for future reference, it could help others.

i'm guessing i have to clone these NPC and the encounter(s)
If you want to have an early encounter with the NPC group, and a later encounter with the same group, I would recommend cloning the NPCs. That way, you can give more levels and better equipment to the NPCs when the player meets them later.

the encounter(s) will only trigger after a variable check V=0 if they joined you, V=1 if they didn't or you betray/dump them at some point. Would it be possible?
Absolutely. Yes, you will store the faction status in one or more variables. I would create a variable << Player is allied to the NPC group >> with value true or false, and another variable << Player has betrayed the NPC group >> with value true or false. Starting values false.

Did you already write a guide for modding, BlueSalamander? I mean for advanced functions such as this?
Not yet.

I found it, seems you have to save your maps in the main directory in order to set them as the starting map and probably to use them and i was saving my maps in the map backdrops directory...
Map Backdrops is only for the module's background images. The map data itself is saved in the main folder of the module. I will mention this in the upcoming module-creation section of the PDF Guidebook.

I intend to do this with recruitable NPC you start with, one being your boss, then add options to dump and betray them.
And after this, if you dumped them, you'll meet them again later and depending on your interactions, they might want to murder you.
Yes, it can be done. Best regards 8-)
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