Salthill Adventures 1.0 - Released

Feel free to discuss anything related to the creation of new KotC 2 adventures using the toolset.

Re: Salthill Adventures 1.0 - Released

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:42 pm

Hello Zent and Dorateen! KotC 2 version 1.78 can now be downloaded (patch notes here), it should make Salthill Adventures a lot better in places.

I played through it, had a lot of fun. Just the right amount of tough battles. 'Ready Versus Spell' was absolutely necessary for me to win against the Mage of the final battle and against the Gargoyle with Earthquake in the caves. Didn't play with an evil party, so I may have missed the Vampire companion Ulgor who is mentioned in some dialogue scripts.

A few things I've noticed:

  • The script to climb down from the Salthill fort to the cave with the resting spot has its dialogue options swapped (saying 'yes' to go down ends the script, saying 'no' climbs down).
  • It'd be best for the module notes to suggest creating new characters from scratch, because when using an existing Cleric or Wizard (created with the other modules), they will have some incorrect first-level spells.
  • The item list has a duplicate item: the Silver Garlic Amulet. Normally this is impossible (as all items must have a unique name), so I'm wondering: how did you manage to have two items with the same name? In any case, as this was causing a slowdown, the code will now check for duplicate item entries. Still, for any updated versions of the module, it'd be best to delete the last item entry.
Thank you for your great work!! Best regards :-)
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Re: Salthill Adventures 1.0 - Released



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