Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

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Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby Zent » Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:19 pm

Hello my first post. Great game and editor.

I would like to create custom 1st level summon spell summoning a custom creature. Is it possible?

Editing a summoning spell I can only chose few predefined creatures, my particular creature does not show up in the list.

Alternatively is it possible to edit a wolf for instance in such way, that Summon Wolf spell will summon my custom creature?
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Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?


Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby BlueSalamander » Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:30 pm

Hello Zent and welcome to the forums! Thank you so much for your kind words!
I would like to create custom 1st level summon spell summoning a custom creature. Is it possible?
Unfortunately, it's not possible at the moment.

I think I could add something to allow a summon spell to create a creature based on any template of the module's Template Editor list. Not a priority at the moment, but I might do it later on.
Alternatively is it possible to edit a wolf for instance in such way, that Summon Wolf spell will summon my custom creature?
No, it wouldn't work because the existing summon spells are hard-coded.

Cheers! Best regards 8-)
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby Zent » Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:08 pm

Well, that is unfortunate.

Good luck and congrats on new spell icons.
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby BlueSalamander » Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:18 pm

Thank you Zent! I do agree that it would be a nice addition to the game, so it might happen.

For example, we could have items like a ring of summoning that would summon a unique creature once per day.

Still, for the moment, you can grant the player a custom ally for a particular battle using a script executed just before combat takes place (possibly with a check for a particular item or skill). Cheers :)
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby Zent » Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:31 pm

Cool tips, especially the last one, thanks a lot. I will pester you some further tho.

1) Is it possible to create cursed item? Item that cannot be removed, except by some remove curse type of spell, or simply cannot be removed at all, does not necessarily need to be cursed.

2) Is it also possible to flag item as being only companion specific? For instance cloak only for Pizara to equip and such.

3) Is it possible to apply daylight penalties to specific companion while in "outdoor" area and remove them automatically while in "indoor" area?
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:09 pm

No problemo :-)

1) Mm, Svendalf's Encounters has a kind of cursed item, the potion of Red Axium, which makes the carrying character prone for as long as the character has the item.

Now about what you're suggesting, it's not in the game yet, but it sounds fun and doable.

I'm guessing that we could use the field 'Coding/Charges' in the Item Editor to set a string 'Lesser Curse' or 'Greater Curse' for an item. However, if I want the same thing for weapons/armour/shields, I'd need to add a new string field in the Weapon Editor, too.

If the item has 'Lesser Curse' in this data field, once it's worn by a character, it can't be removed, and casting Remove Curse on the character would either destroy the item or drop it on the floor.

If the item has 'Greater Curse' in this field, once it's worn by a character, it can't be removed at all, unless the story allows for the destruction of the item through a script at some point during the adventure.

In addition, perhaps if an item has one of these two curses, when right clicking on it to display its properties, unless the item is worn, any ability penalties from the item would be displayed as ability bonuses.

The only issue I have with these is that the player could just reload when finding a cursed item, which isn't fun. So, perhaps a cursed item should be good enough to wear it, at least initially. Or, it could be required to wear it for the purpose of solving a quest (for that I'll need a small addition in the Set Dialog script command).

How does that sound?

2) Not yet. But for that too, we could use the field 'Coding/Charges'. For example in the field we could set 'Usable By Character {unique name}', 'Usable By Class {Paladin,Ranger}', 'Usable By Race {Dwarf}', 'Usable With Specialisation {Assassin,Ninja,Fire Sphere,Blue Wizard,Oath Against Giants...}'. For weapons/armour/shields, again we need the extra string field.

3) This sounds like something for a Vampire or Deep Cave Dwarf. For this I'm guessing we could use the field 'map-wide special terrain' in the Edit Map Data window. We would need to set that field to 'Outdoor' for outdoor maps. Then we'd need an extra special ability called 'Daylight penalty'. This would be given to the creature in the Character Editor. The game would then apply the effect when the party is exploring an outdoor map. What penalties do you envision? -2 on all ability scores?

Best regards 8-)
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby Zent » Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:44 pm

ad 1) As for cursed/unremovable/companion specific items I had in mind few concepts such as.

a) Magic sword held by undead enemy that among other things does Negative Energy "damage" to wielder, ie it heals an undead a bit with each swing that hits. But the item is droppable and potentially useable by party, but since party consists of non-undead, Negative energy does cause a bit harm, yet since it is on average better than what party has at given time, it is still tempting to use it. Now curse ability would kind of seal it in equipment slot, so it just does not get exchanged for something at a whim in a middle of combat.

b) Specific companion item only that is not removable from item slot - for instance cloak for vampire that allows it to survive under sunlight and for immersion purposes just cannot be removed, or heirloom item that is passed from generation to generation and thus a companion would never remove it.

c) Class specific item, sword/potion only for thief to use. This as I understand is doable now with Coding/Changes field, so it is kind of moot now.

d) Item with great stats most of the time, but at times useless against certain foes cause they are immune to it, item is cursed so it cannot be immediately removed, which could be troublesome if your main damage dealer needs to switch for something else to cause damage. In short a tempting item with a twist, basically variation of item from b).

e) Pure cursed item, sure reload solves this, but many people don't like reloading, or party is simply captured and given collars and have to follow orders and the collar is unremovable until certain point.

I will check the Lesser Curse solution for weapons.

ad 3) In mind I had stat nerf mostly, like for vampire -10 strength outdoors, -30 vision, -25 movement and such, nasty when vampire hunters ambush you. But also for a party to reduce vision underground in certain areas, or map wide constant low elemental damage in certain areas at regular intervals, ie freezing (it is there in some way already I noticed). Or sort of "dead magic zone" area, where arcane casters cannot cast magic except from wands and such, would be nice combined with Suppress Sword map-wide condition.

Thanks again for detailed replies and hints.

Also I would like to add 2 effects to a single healing item, normal d6 restore hitpoints + restore all spells slots, so far upon use it either does one or the another, but not both.
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby Zent » Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:43 pm

Hello once again.

I would like to know if it is possible by script or any other means to lower or permanently remove Spell Resistance from my party members, especially wizard?
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:24 pm

Apologies for the delayed reply :-)

a) Magic sword held by undead enemy that among other things does Negative Energy "damage" to wielder

Mm, although there is a 'Drinker' weapon enchantment, it simply grants Hit Points to the wielder (not specifically positive or negative energy). Instead, I'd suggest a constitution penalty attached to the weapon. Or better yet, a vulnerability to cold energy damage (with the original undead wielder being immune to cold damage, so that the penalty wouldn't apply to him).

b) Specific companion item only that is not removable from item slot - for instance cloak for vampire that allows it to survive under sunlight and for immersion purposes just cannot be removed, or heirloom item

Yes, it will be good for companion heirlooms and such.

c) Class specific item, sword/potion only for thief to use. This as I understand is doable now with Coding/Changes field, so it is kind of moot now.

Indeed, it will be good for Rogues. Not yet doable but I'm planning to add that feature. (I want to have some Rogue-only items in The Dark Arena)

d) Item with great stats most of the time, but at times useless against certain foes cause they are immune to it, item is cursed so it cannot be immediately removed, which could be troublesome if your main damage dealer needs to switch for something else to cause damage. In short a tempting item with a twist, basically variation of item from b).

I guess it could be done, for example there could be a nice Greatmace, which deals bludgeoning damage, but the enemies have a high Damage Reduction bypassed only by slashing weapons (e.g. DR 20 / slashing).

e) Pure cursed item, sure reload solves this, but many people don't like reloading, or party is simply captured and given collars and have to follow orders and the collar is unremovable until certain point.

Yup, the collar thing sounds nice.

3) In mind I had stat nerf mostly, like for vampire -10 strength outdoors

Actually, maybe it can be done already without changes in game code. If the vampire is a companion, I'm guessing it could be done using a script that gives an ability reduction to that character as soon as you enter the outdoor map (you can use the script command used to give conditions to characters for that, please scroll down to the bottom of the list of conditions to find the 'ability reduction' choices). Then you have to make sure that the script used to leave the place removes that effect (or have the effect be day-duration only). In addition to the ability reduction, or in replacement of it, you can give the Slowed condition.

map wide constant low elemental damage in certain areas at regular intervals, ie freezing (it is there in some way already I noticed)

Yup, freezing, sweltering and underwater are already there in the game as possible map-wide settings.

"Dead magic" is an interesting suggestion for another map-wide setting, thank you.

Some extra settings that could be added include "Ozone" (electricity damage doubled), "Sulphur" (acid damage doubled and 1d4 acid damage when moving around), "Storm" (wind and lightning spells more effective and penalty on ranged attacks).

Also I would like to add 2 effects to a single healing item, normal d6 restore hitpoints + restore all spells slots, so far upon use it either does one or the another, but not both.

Mm, looks like it's a limitation of the engine for now. I would need an extra line saying specifically "restore d6 HPs AND restore spell slots".

I would like to know if it is possible by script or any other means to lower or permanently remove Spell Resistance from my party members, especially wizard?

Yes, it can be done using the script command that grants a condition to a character. Input "{ALL PARTY MEMBERS}" as the target. Select the "Lowered SR" condition and use the "amount" field to specify by how many points the SR should be reduced. That should work.

Have a great time! Best regards 8-)
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Re: Creating custom summon spell summoning custom creature?

Postby Zent » Sat Oct 19, 2024 8:36 pm

Amazing to see the new cursed items in module, thanks. I still fight with some of the settings. For instance I would like to create helmet wearable by cleric or fighter, but I guess maybe it is not possible.

Anyway I put a custom music in my module and as I am about to wrap it up, I deleted KoTC 2 from Steam, reinstalled and put there my module to test.

And now everytime my module goes into dialog screen, some vanilla music begins to play, it is 'Tavern Song Medievel.ogg', it is really unneeded and was not there before, how to disable it sans deleting it?

edit: Oh sorry, disabling 'Dialogue Music' did it.
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