Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

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Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby Bertie » Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:50 pm

Hi I'm really looking forward to the release of KotC 2 hopefully in the near future but I was wondering something about the included editor toolset and couldn't find an answer in the FAQ section. If you wanted to create a module set in a different world with different lore, like Forgotten Realms or maybe even Medieval Europe, would it be possible to prevent players from picking certain classes, races or spells? Furthermore, would it be possible to prevent players from doing that and then allowing it later? I'm mostly interested in the first question but I would appreciate an answer for the second as well, thanks.
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Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?


Re: Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby Dorateen » Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:08 pm

Yes. On the bottom of the Module Data page, you can select races and classes to disallow.

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Re: Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby Bertie » Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:31 pm

Sweet! Thanks for the response.

EDIT: Do you know if it's possible to allow certain classes but prevent them from using spells, like the ranger and rogue?
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Re: Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby Dorateen » Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:48 pm

Bertie wrote:
EDIT: Do you know if it's possible to allow certain classes but prevent them from using spells, like the ranger and rogue?

This, I am not sure about. I think class and spell systems are hard-coded into the engine.
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Re: Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby Bertie » Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:20 pm

Would it be possible to use a script to achieve the same effect? I remember seeing a screenshot of KotC2 where all magical abilities were disabled for a combat encounter so perhaps it would be possible to extend the effect to cover an entire campaign?

EDIT: Found it, and it was actually referring to just magical weapons and armour but surely the effect can be extended to all magical abilities right?
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Re: Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby Dorateen » Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:36 pm

I think it might be possible with scripting. You can give conditions such as suppressing magic to the party, and set the duration as permanent. That might work.
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Re: Is it possible to disallow certain races and classes?

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:51 pm

Hello Bertie, welcome to the forums! :)

Do you know if it's possible to allow certain classes but prevent them from using spells, like the ranger and rogue?

Each module has its own Spells.sml file, which contains the list of all the spells available in the module. In this file, each class has its own spells.

So, for instance, if you delete all the spells of the Ranger, then the Ranger will not have spells in the module.

The Suppress Sword condition doesn't stop characters from casting spells.

Thank you Dorateen. Cheers all! Best regards 8-)
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