Awesome, Dorateen! Thank you so much for all the updates.
Version 1.53 needs to have "Throw Creature" in the Spells.sml file for the Throw Creature combat action to work.
If you would like, please send me your latest Creatures.cml / Templates.cml file and I'll update the creature list with the feat Improved Throw Creature and the AI setting required for the AI to use Throw Creature (that setting is "Attempt throw creature %" in the Intelligence tab of the Creature Editor).
The automatic update won't set that setting very high (the most will be 30%), so if you have a monster that's designed to throw the player characters around, feel free to set a high percentage manually, together with a high percentage for "Attempt grapple %".
Version 1.54 will have the "item buy-back" feature and you'll be able to add to a merchant's item list as many items as you'd like using the "Give items" script command.
Have a great Christmas time! Cheers