Last month I released a new version of Hearkenwold for IceBlink, which included a side adventure called Edinmoor. I am now working to add this into the Knights of the Chalice 2 version. It will be like a standalone adventure module, only integrated into the existing campaign. I had originally designed this adventure for 7th level characters. But realizing how powerful parties can become in KotC2, I would think level 5 characters could have a pretty good challenge.
Here are a couple of screenshots that show the party meeting a guard outside of Edinmoor, and then entering the courtyard.

The first image shows the new Merged Dialogue interface, introduced a few updates ago, creating a single text box for NPC conversations and player responses. I also switched to the view of token display for characters, although I am still designing with the original Knights of the Chalice sprites in mind. This is easily toggled in the options menu.
In June, I received some extensive feedback from a playthrough of Hearkenwold. I am grateful for all the comments I get, both here on the forums and in private messages. I will be including some fixes and improvements with the next release of the Adventure Module.
Expectation is by the end of summer, I'll have this new version available. I've loaded almost all the maps into the module and I just need to finish conversations and encounters.