Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:57 pm

BlueSalamander wrote:So you made it? Congratulations!

After hours of trying - yes. And with everyone alive (of course not the Commander & other Wizard, they act silly and attempts to keep them alive are futile, maybe you should at least equip the wizard better - he never even gets a spell of, Concentration failure whatever). Key is Dominate Monster & Undead, with the Balors and Vampires on your side your chances increase drastically (a lot of Monsters killed themselves by attacking the Balors, the Vrock for instance). It requires a lot of luck, the right initiative sequence, making your saves, overcoming the saves of the monsters... I'm not 100% positive if I like this kind of *challenge*, when there is no valid, functional strategy but your are entirely dependant on luck. That is gambling not chess.
(edited by BlueSalamander for language)
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests


Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby Pod » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:58 am

NobillyT wrote:No problem.

Since this filtering is there by default, would it be difficult to somehow reintroduce it as an option to the user? That way, people could try out the filter for themselves, see if they like it or not, and then set it the option toggle accordingly.

I think he's probably on about linear and mip filters when upscaling the sprite's textures. Which is some degree of magnification filtering, but isn't that great. DX doesn't do anything like the hqxn filters you mentioned -- but that's good as I can't stand hqxn ;) Makes everything a squishy box, IMHO.

I like to see ze pixels!
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:43 pm

Since this filtering is there by default, would it be difficult to somehow reintroduce it as an option to the user?
Yes, I think it would be too much trouble for the benefit.
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby Ikarius » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:00 pm

One thing I'd *really* like to see for Knights of the Chalice 1- In standard 3.5 rules, you can "squeeze through" spaces occupied by friendlies. I'm not suggesting the ability to end movement in those squares, but simply to move through them. This would be especially significant given our lack of control over where party members other than the leader go when moving the party around. I've experienced way too many battles where I go and open a door, and lo-and-behold, my wizard in the 4th spot is in one of the two spaces right in front of the door- leaving my cleric and fighter standing behind, attempting to do some sort of shuffle in order to get my front-liners... in front. Delay is also leaving something to be desired due to the fact you can only delay once. If you have 3 characters which need to "shuffle", depending on initiative order, you can end up unable to get the one you want out front in one round. This is pretty much my #1 issue- because we don't fully control the marching formation, and the movement options are slightly restricted, I'm taking hits I shouldn't have to, and loosing rounds where I should be able to deal damage.

Oh- and please- more spells I can pre-buff with, please! The fact I cannot cast stoneskin, attribute buffs, holy might, etc *before* I open that door and enter combat- gah! Due to that restriction, I end up casting way fewer buffs than I normally ever would.

That being said- I *LOVE* this game. More, more MORE PLEASE! When's the next one coming? :mrgreen:

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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:32 pm

If you could prebuff a lot - if not all - of the difficulty would be gone I think.
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby Ikarius » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:08 pm

VentilatorOfDoom wrote:If you could prebuff a lot - if not all - of the difficulty would be gone I think.

I hear what you're saying, I'll argue it *shouldn't* be, though. One of the major gripes about combat I see (nearly the only gripe) is that there are a fair # of fights where people end up re-loading over and over... because frequently what happens is the wizard gets dropped before they get an opportunity to go. That's not difficulty- that's lottery. Perhaps certain pre-buffs (perhaps stoneskin, for example) remain unavailable, but say- [mass] protection from evil, Stat buffs, Blur, Holy might, & [mass] death ward at the least ought to be available for pre-buffing. If after that, you need more difficulty, ratchet down the stats your characters get.

I do have one idea though- perhaps take a few tweaks- like max HP, # of max stats, add a couple more, and cook up some "pre-sets" for difficulty levels. I know the ruleset well enough to understand the impact of those settings, but for some folks who don't know the ruleset as well, it could be very useful.

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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:15 pm

I know what you mean, I thought similarly the first time I played. On my second run the Wizard is near invulnerable anyway. I don't use Stoneskin at all tbh only high AC + Displacement.
-Displacement cloak (craftable at lvl5)
-Mithril leather armor (0 ASF)
-Mithril light shield (0 ASF)
-Dex bracers

Shield and Armor are enchantable not only with AC but also with nifty stuff like Invulnerability, Fortification, Elemental Resistance and so on.
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby Pod » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:43 am

I do get a bit sick of the "ambush" combat, where for an entire round I just have to soak up damage. If my cleric or wizard die during that round, I just reload. If thye get lucky and survive, then I'm usually able to heal+win. I would definately like some form of buffing out of comabt, or even better, make it so that when the player is "surprised", they only take 50% damage?
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby MytGroo » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:47 pm

Having finished the game, I think there are a number of things which would make this game better. I liked playing the game. it was fun and strategic.

1) There are not enough campfires. -- The problem with the campfires could be alleviated by limiting the ability to craft items and scrolls to being in town. It is far too easy to create scrolls and specific weapons while in a dungeon for an encounter. It would make the game more challenging and give a better reason for there being campfires. Maybe you could only craft at campfires.
2) There are a very limited number of helmets-- basically two-- intellect and wisdom helms. There are no helms for fighter classes which would be a nice touch.
3) Both mages and clerics have the same set of enchantment armor and weapons. It would be nice to have a different set for each class. More variety of magic items. In general it would have been neat to have a greater variety of magic items.
4) There were a number of large longswords which my characters could not wield which came from the giants.
5) Being able to stack huge amounts of scrolls unbalances the game. I had 50 mass heals stacked for my cleric at the end of the game.
6) I liked the healing spells damaging undead. The web spell was also excellent. I also liked that certain weapons did damage to specific creatures.
7) I hope in the next game there are traps and glyphs-- magical traps.
8) It was a nice initial set of monsters. Hopefully there will be some monsters specifically designed to take advantage of grappling attacks-- ogres, owlbears, living trees. I would like to have seen some monsters that were not mobile-- spore beasts, etc.
9) The dialog was simple and very well done.
10) I am looking forward to another one of these games. This is the best game in terms of tactics which I have played in fantasy games.
11) I liked the limited number of classes. It made the game simple. It might have been nice to have a few more races.
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Re: Officialish Thread of Nifty Requests

Postby Ikarius » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:54 pm

On the large greatswords you could not wield: There are level 1 spells- enlarge weapon and reduce weapon. Try reduce weapon on those swords... then you should be able to wield them. If you didnt pick the spells, they are available as scrolls from the magic shop in the starting tower.

Ettin (CR 6)
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