Hey all. So I have two problems that have left me stuck.
1st is that I have no idea how to enter the hill giant fort thanks to that energy barrier. I've probably missed some hint or dialogue that tells you what's up, and if anyone could drop a hint for me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
2nd is I have a permanent level drain on my cleric, quite literally. Remove Negative Energy levels when cast on her says it worked, but I can use up to 20 scrolls and that one level of level drain remains no matter what. So I'm chalking this up to a bug. Is there a way I can have my save game fixed, or is there another way to remove the drain ingame? (I just tried using the spell itself after two level ups. Same thing. Message says it's gone, but it's still there.)
I should also note that I've found that if you rest right after a battle before looting all the loot goes missing -- including quest items. Gear and such I understand, but - developer, if you're reading this? - please please please add to your next patch, and next game, that IMPORTANT items do NOT EVER self destruct for any reason. I messed up and after a big ol' fight I did a rest/save combo, not realizing a missed a key that would've let me finish a certain quest. I don't like wasting an hour+ so I just chalked it up as a failed quest, but this was before I realized that resting destroyed all items. (First time I got to rest in a dungeon that I didn't auto loot everything in) Next playthrough I'll be more careful and finish that quest.
Anyway if anyone can help me with 1 and 2, I'd appreciate it.
EDIT: Literally within a minute of posting this I try the front door again and it works perfectly. I feel dumb! I still need that buggy level drain fixed though.
EDIT 2: Ice Storm is bugged. Any monsters immune to cold are completely immune to both the cold damage and the bludgeoning damage. At least I'm assuming this is a bug, because otherwise having two damage types is utterly ridiculous.
EDIT 3: While I'm at it? A couple of suggestions. When you're within the threat area of an enemy, if you select a single move it should automatically be a five foot move. This game is crazy click intensive. Cutting that down is a must. Along those lines, after you fire a crossbow and you move the cursor over an enemy, it says you must reload first. When you click, it should reload - instead of having to click keyboard shortcut or the menu itself. There's so much clicking/menu navigating in this game. It's insane! Anything you can do to reduce that would be a huge boon. That includes the horrible loot system (nostalgia is nice and all but auuuughhhhhh goddamn it dude its not what I miss about ye olden tymes) and the horrible INVENTORY -> CLERIC -> WAND OF HEALING -> USE -> TARGET -> REPEAT 10 TIMES. Is there a quicker way to heal your party with wands? Getting desparate.
EDIT 4: I figured this stuff out. Hurf durf I'm dumb. Leaving the thread on account of EDIT 2 & 3.