Dragons of Norglade question

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Dragons of Norglade question

Postby rpgamer » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:17 pm

Ok, I have reached the final boss and depending on the way you manage the dialogue with him, an additional dragon will join the battle. I have tried defeating them both without having any of my characters killed (because I dislike the Xp loss when I revive them) but it's pretty hard. I just want to know if the black dragon will wait for me back near the exit if he doesn't join the battle with the green dragon? If that is the case, I better fight each of them separately.

Thanks in advance!
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Dragons of Norglade question


Re: Dragons of Norglade question

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:00 pm

The black one will not be waiting for you near the exit. If you want to fight him you have to select the right dialogue option and fight them both :-)
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