I just finished my 3rd run on the game, the first time I died on the orc stockade, because I didn't thought scribing scrolls was essential, the second one I died against a spider on the cave underground because My cleric died. Now in the third one, I finished the game.
I thought that I wasn't going to complete it based on comments, but i want to comment Why i succeeded in case someone want to finish the Ironman run. I have to say that I was surprised the game ended there, I thought I had more to do as there was at least one town i didn't even visit yet.
And definitely you don't need to have beforehand knowledge to finish the ironman run. On the other hand I played with max hp and 1 skill 18 , because of a challenge in rpg codex.
There are 2 Fights in the game that Proved to come close to lose:
1. The fire giant leader: The worst part is that I was confident because at that point it was just a stomp. , And the fight started ok, I was worried about salamanders having death arrows. Which landed on my Wizard killing it on second run, lucky before that she just dominated a few giants so I had something on my side to replace her. The rest was a battle of attrition with heals and my fighter killing everything. Now what troubles me is that every time my fighter attacked the giant he received damage, I don't know why that happened, in the end he died because I couldn't free him from Grappling. And the fight ended between My 2 clerics and the king.
I noted several times in the game my chars attacked a creature and received damage, but I look the inventory, status, and creature description and there is no hint of way. No, they don't have ice shield or fire shield. And It was annoying because I received a lot of damage I couldn't prepare for because there was no signs of it. Also It would be nice if you could cycle through enemies in the description screen as you can with your chars, It would come handy to see their equipments, spells, level, etc., having to exit and click every creature is annoying.
2. The Giant red dragon: This fight was hilarious to be honest, I had in my pack all the time 5 true resurrection on every cleric, And I have 5 scrolls of every major spell., I thought that was more than enough for whatever it comes.
I spent everything but 2 true resurrection!. The dragon doesn't die, The fighters barely touch him, and the spells he resist everything, The only thing that did damage was the Wizard, but he heals!, and he resist half the spells. I ended killing it with sonic burst! because that always hit!.
After that fight I scribed 20 of every spell! just to make sure, little would i know the game would end 3 fights later.
I see that some people do 4 knights run and similar things. I think that is impossible to ironman on the sole basis that you cant kill that dragon without a wizard Is possible?, I dont think so.
Maybe 3 knights and one cleric can, since you can Heal resurrect all day long And you can hope one day the 5% chance of hitting will go somewhere. I would be interested in knowing what i'm missing about how 4 knights can ironman or even do a regular run!.
I think the team with Best chances to Ironman is a team with 2 clerics, because you can true resurrect each other non stop. You need a wizard just for STone to Flesh and Dispell/dominate person to counter that, if not too the only chance to damage to the giant red dragon.
So 2 Clerics/1 Wizard/1 Knight/Wizard are the best team. I wasn't impressed of the Knight My STR based cleric with RIGHTEOUS MIGHT was doing almost the same damage than him.
On the other hand, I think the harder part of the game is to level up to the point where you can craft whatever you want, After that, the game is a breeze. And before that A Knight, is very powerful, I think early on is the hardest part and the moment where the knight has more chances overall.
I would maybe interested in running the game again setting myself some kind of challenge iron man. I thought about not crafting. But I wonder if its even sane to try to beat ironman without it. Specially the last fight, beating all those fights without Scrolls? I could live without crafting all the items, because you find them eventually, the lack of weapons if you choose not longsword maybe troublesome though. But in the end it seems as noted early Scribe scrolls is OP, but at the same time it seems its not possible to beat the game without it, so it doesn't seem to be a middle point.
Just in this run I did use the "campfires only work once" handicap, but as it turned out, NO campfires is completely beatable because scribe scrolls, I almost never rested during the game, and it was no problem. In fact I think in the end it was an annoying handicap than a real one, just mean i had to Scribe scrolls and heal manually with wand all day, which was kind of annoying (Btw is there a way to shortcut the scribing scroll that i'm missing to accelerate the process?)
So It would be nice to see a Challenge that maybe would make the pointless fights in the game not so pointless.
Something I thought is one use campfire, Scribe scrolls, but no clerics. So I can spam scrolls but i cant heal all the time.
Another thing would be No scribe scrolls and no craft wands. That seems impossible?
Both seems impossible actually. Even If It had max HP and 1 max stat, which probably wouldnt repeat if I do it again.
Any suggestions?