I have tried to get BS to see the wisdom of opening up KotC to other venues of digital distribution, but he is stubborn!
Thing is, no one shares their sales data and no one is allowed to share the % cut which Steam takes. I too have heard it is in the 30-40% range. What you have to think is that at some point revenue from KotC is going to approach zero. When game 2 is released you will have an opportunity to push game 1, for several months at least. After that, you might as well take what you can get on Steam, which anecdotally could be a frickin' load of cash. I'm not talking about selling out for a few hundred bucks here.
There are two things you have to realize about getting your games on Steam:
1. They reach a
massive audience, hundreds of thousands of people who never in their entire lives will be exposed to KotC. As far as I can tell, you have zero in the way of advertising and promotion. Those are not lost sales at $20 a pop, those are new customers you can't reach otherwise. All this promotion and exposure is what you get in return for lost per unit revenue.
2. People buy five dollar games, and never play them! It's a whole different sales mentality. It's not
I like this game and I'm willing to pay $5.00 for it, it's
It's on sale right now for only $5.00. I might not play it for three more months (or ever), but it's so cheap I might as well add it to my Steam list. I too have read Jeff Vogel's opinion on Steam and disagree with him completely. He's been doing the same thing for twenty years and I'm glad if it works for him, but he's not looking dispassionately at the business model. He's too attached to putting emotional value on his work instead of looking strictly at the bottom line.
Actually there was one game which shared it's sales on Steam and that was Terraria. If memory serves they sold 350,000 copies in the first month on Steam at $10 each. That was an incomplete (alpha) game in development for a total of five months. That's a wild success story, but the fact is people who've tried KotC like it a lot and talk it up. If people start talking it up on the Steam forums I'd be surprised if you didn't sell 10,000 copies at $5.00 in short order. And you have the great demo too, which was a smart move. After game 2 has been out for a few months I'd say you've got nothing to lose trying something new with KotC1.