Ok, since I couldn't come up with anything good I decided to do an "ironman" run of the demo with the same rules than in my standard runs. I've never played the demo before.
My reaction was that was every standard, I got to the message of "you finished the demo", which was cool and all. I say 'go back' as I wanted to know what's on the ladder i didn't check. And holy...wtf. I think i found the hardest fight of the whole game and demo by far. I got instant circle of death blasted before i could move almost anything.
I got a second run, I got there and leveled up thinking on that fight, i got the undead slaying arrows, and give it to my knight. she failed, and the rest was history.
I decided to get a third run and save before this fight to see if i can come up with a strat that doesn't rely on Slaying arrow on first turn. I tried... I tried....Nothing. I think that this fight depends on slaying arrow as best shot. (if you first arrow slay the lich, then the fight is pretty easy afterward)
I think this is the hardest fight of all the game and the demo combined!
Is there some strat im missing?