Ironman Insane challenge

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Re: Ironman Insane challenge

Postby Waterd103 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:18 am

Ok, since I couldn't come up with anything good I decided to do an "ironman" run of the demo with the same rules than in my standard runs. I've never played the demo before.
My reaction was that was every standard, I got to the message of "you finished the demo", which was cool and all. I say 'go back' as I wanted to know what's on the ladder i didn't check. And I think i found the hardest fight of the whole game and demo by far. I got instant circle of death blasted before i could move almost anything.

I got a second run, I got there and leveled up thinking on that fight, i got the undead slaying arrows, and give it to my knight. she failed, and the rest was history.

I decided to get a third run and save before this fight to see if i can come up with a strat that doesn't rely on Slaying arrow on first turn. I tried... I tried....Nothing. I think that this fight depends on slaying arrow as best shot. (if you first arrow slay the lich, then the fight is pretty easy afterward)
I think this is the hardest fight of all the game and the demo combined!
Is there some strat im missing?
Marilith (CR 17)
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Re: Ironman Insane challenge


Re: Ironman Insane challenge

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:49 pm

From an earlier post of mine:
Stenna used the electric sword. I crafted Galaad's weapon into flaming and disrupting. The cleric used the +2 disrupting shillelagh. The wizard crafted a fireball wand for himself. Soon after the start of the battle he cast Stoneskin on self.
The cleric was low on spells as he had forgotten to pick Craft Wand and had to heal everyone after the 1st battle. He ended up dying in the battle with the lich. The others survived with a combination of disruption, fireballs and wall of fire.
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Re: Ironman Insane challenge

Postby Waterd103 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:12 pm

Thanks I will experiment again. Though If the lich happens to cast circle of death, im basically dead.
Can you check the post previous to my last one? I would like to know the answer to those questions.
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Re: Ironman Insane challenge

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:07 am

If the lich happens to cast circle of death, im basically dead.
Yes, although you could wear cloaks of resistance for a better chance to survive it. And have some Raise Dead scrolls.

Sorry I missed your earlier post.
Fire giant king: Its hard to gauge this fight because the fire king is so easy to dominate, and once you have him, is game over. But if you fail, and Ive failed, a single attack can take 1 or 2 chars easily. I wonder how this fight would be without dominate monster.
There's always irresistible dance as an alternative.

1.Queen Spider in the caves: This fight is hell. At the point that to beat it, ive learn to go grind somewhere else (Generally some of the orc stockade), as level 4 this fight is nigh impossible or you need super luck, I can't come up with a solid strat. once you are level 5 its a different beast because you have access to so much better stuff (especiall without crafting since you can't get magical weapons). Ive seen some complaints in the forums about this fight, and honestly i agree 100%.
I think the best chance you have to beat this fight early, is a lucky Slaying arrow shot against the queen, and then you use the Wand of Chaos on the remaining spiders.

1) Council of the Slaver Lords (with the commander of the guards).
What is this? how does that happen?
You must go to the Commander of the Guards in Taneliz. Then say that you are here to join the Slaver Lords, as elite henchmen. Then they will take you direct to the Slaver Lords and a fight will ensue. You have to kill the Slaver Lords, the Commander of the Guards and a couple of other guards together.

2) Battle against Frost Giants and an Iron Golem in a large room after setting off the alarm. Is this the fight one room before the king?
It is a fight in the huge room, on the same level as the Frost Giant King. This room is normally patrolled by a strong Iron Golem.
But if you have set off the alarm... It will be a lot harder: Iron Golem + Frost Giant wizards + Frost Giant warriors.

Thank you for the recommendations.
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Re: Ironman Insane challenge

Postby Waterd103 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:02 am

MM. That fight of the slaver lords+ the commander of guards seems really really really hard. Im thinking of forcing that fight on my next run, but I think it may be close to impossible to have a good win rate there. I will think about it.

thanks for the answers.
Marilith (CR 17)
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