A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

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Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:04 pm

Waterd103 wrote:Personally I would prefer if cleric wasn't needed in the party.

That would be a bit weird in a game with only 3 classes, one of them being cleric.

I don't say autoheal and all that. But there should be other ways, be NPC,

There are NPC clerics, which accounts for *other ways* I presume. Your point?

and why not potions etc. I agree they should be more expensive, harder to get. But the option should be there.

Potions, especially a large variety of them, can easily kill all challenge a game could possibly have. See NWN2. How can there be any challenge left in a game with unlimited potions of full heal? In a game where even some of the best arcane buffs( heroism, mirror image, improved invis etc) are available in potion form?
Of course you want to replace a cleric with healing items a la BG2. In BG2 you could do anything a cleric could do with potions and scrolls and wands, even more. Including resurrection of the dead. Certainly there wasn't any need for a cleric in BG2 but whether the game was better for it is debatable.
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Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll


Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

Postby Waterd103 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:35 pm

My point is that you can't depend on NPC clerics. I know because as you may find I really try to create challenges for myself. I know that not having a cleric is just autofail, regardless of if you use the NPC clerics or not. You can though finish the game in even ironman mode without a knight no problem, and a wizard if you do not consider the final final fight needed to finish the game. Yet, good luck getting to Taneliz Alive without a cleric. (unless you have random encounters on, and overgrind), much less finishing the game in ironman.

Potions can be implemented and be reasonable, You can make it scarce enough and/or costly enough to get.

How can there be any challenge left in a game with unlimited potions of full heal?

I'm surprised that challenge is important. I think KOTC lack challenge for the most part with unlimited fireplaces and crafting (which was one of the main reasons I was so harsh in my initial review), yet most people do not seem to complain, I just guess that challenge is not an important factor for most people that play RPG.
I mean infinite heal (fireplaces) + Infinite heal (Create Wand, scribe scroll) there is challenge, but suddenly if we have potions, we do not? That does not logically follow.
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Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:30 am

Waterd103 wrote:My point is that you can't depend o NPC clerics. I know because as you may find I really try to create challenges for myself. I know that not having a cleric is just autofail, regardless of if you use the NPC clerics or not. You can through finish the game in even ironman mode without a knight no problem, and a wizard if you do not consider the final final fight needed to finish the game. Yet, good luck getting to Taneliz Alive without a cleric. (unless you have random encounters on, and overgrind), much less finishing the game in ironman.
Potions can be implemented and be reasonable, You can make it scarce enough and/or costly enough to get.

You said it yourself: you'd prefer it if you hadn't to take a cleric into your party. That means potions/other items had to replace the cleric entirely. Which means, said potions couldn't be *scarce* or *costly*.
Besides, if I could just take wizards into my party because I no longer need a cleric for healing with all the potions doing this job just fine, would the game become more challenging?

Waterd103 wrote:I mean infinite heal (fireplaces) + Infinite heal (Create Wand, scribe scroll) there is challenge, but suddenly if we have potions, we do not? That do not logical follow.

You have of course a point, in that unlimited resting and wands/scrolls of healing don't increase the challenge either. However, there's still some difference to the *potions for everyone* approach.
1) You need to spend the feats craft wand/scribe scroll.
2) You need to pay XP for crafting the items
3) You need a CLERIC to use those items, as opposed to another wizard with a bundle of potions for healing

Plus, when I referred to NWN2 I didn't mean healing potions excusively. After all, if you want to replace the role of a cleric with potions you will need more than regular healing. (remove blindness, remove negative levels, restoration etc)
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Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

Postby Waterd103 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:48 am

Besides, if I could just take wizards into my party because I no longer need a cleric for healing with all the potions doing this job just fine, would the game become more challenging?

Clearly the cleric shouldn't be such a strong healer. Cleric in KOTC is beyond powerfull, as stated, you quickly reach a point where you are just unkillabe because of those clerics.
That is not the problem though, the problem is that the cleric, the healing cleric , is at least boring. No matter what team in KOTC I think it's optimal (for the sake of minimizing chances of dying) to have a Heal bot. I always had a Cleric doing Summon elemental first round, and then proceed to only cast heal/resurrection/Cure some bad thing every round. That's it. I find that quite boring to be honest. So I would say the game would become more interesting if you have a character that is doing something different. I won't say though if the game will become more or less challenging, because that is defined by a lot of numbers that, since potions do no actually exist in practice or theory, we don't know, without those numbers is just impossible to determine the answer to that question.

Potions would also have a cost, they would cost money.
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Re: A church or a priest to restore lowered stats or sell scroll

Postby Dorateen » Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:37 pm

I made a dwarven battle cleric in KoTC. That was awesome.

Especially casting Righteous Might and saving the party in the gnoll pit trap battle.

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