Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

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Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby deathknight1728 » Thu May 14, 2015 4:02 pm

My 1st party I beat game with was a standard party of warriors, healer and mage. This time around I switched it up a bit.

This time I am doing

1 knight Melee expert with MAXED Strength
1 knight Melee and Ranged expert with MAXED STR/DEX

1 cleric Melee expert with MAXED STR/WISDOM
1 cleric more spells focused with MAXED WISDOM

I usually use my clerics and my Knight with a xbow for ranged until I get to melee. My mwknight focuses on fighting and as soon as my rest of party gets close, they stop spamming bolts and go to meleeing the enemy. I dont have a large amount of trouble except for melee powerhouses ocasionally.

I am lvl 10. Do I have to restart or will a party of 2 knights (1 mw 1 mwrg) and 2 clerics be able to beat game if I get to lvl 20 with a maxed out stats?

Thanks. I figure I would make this thread before I go any further.
Iron Golem (CR 13)
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Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?


Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun May 17, 2015 12:13 pm

I would say you can aim for around 28 AC using something like this:

Armour class base: 10
+2 Full plate armour: 10
Dex bonus: 1
+2 Heavy shield: 4
+3 Deflection ring: 3
Total 28

Then, have your clerics cast Protection from Evil and your characters will gain another +2 to AC.

Get blinding weapons as soon as possible.

Without a mage, some fights are definitely going to be harder. Because you can't cast Haste, Fireball, Dominate...

That's why I prefer: 1 fighter, 1 mage and 2 clerics. I expect that with 2 fighters + 2 clerics it would be hard but not impossible.
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Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby Waterd103 » Sun May 24, 2015 2:25 am

All you need in a team to be able to beat the game is at least 1 cleric, with one cleric, the other 3 are irrelevant, you can still beat the game.
Marilith (CR 17)
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Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby deathknight1728 » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:49 am

Waterd103 wrote:All you need in a team to be able to beat the game is at least 1 cleric, with one cleric, the other 3 are irrelevant, you can still beat the game.

I think that statement is false although I wish it were true. I have 2 knights 2 clerics and it is proven to be impossible. The 1st time it turned out I was only done with half of the game. The last boss has 600 health 50 lackeys who can stun my party members. Although my party members rarely (like 5% of the time get caught in it) as they all even fighters have high 3 of the saves. The problem lies in the fact that there was a need for specific crafting recipes rather than the ones I made. Because of that it would mean I have to spend 3 hours grinding exp to make 4 new weapons and 4 new armors.

I would say I have a better shot at climbing the mount everest than beating this game. Maybe I just suck but I dont know. I did try hard enough to make it to the end. Hopefully the next game has a difficulty setting because I can guarantee %10 of the people that play wont get past half the game. The game was made for dungeons and dragons fanatics only. If I didnt know as much as I do I wouldnt made it that far as I did.

I still like the game but just wish there was difficulty option that made possible to beat.
Iron Golem (CR 13)
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Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby VentilatorOfDoom » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:49 am

Has difficulties beating the game-> makes party without any mages to "improve chances" of beating the game. In a DnD game. r00fles

If you dont mind the very beginning of the game (keep fight, fight vs the elementals, basically everything until you gained 2-3 levels) being slightly more difficult: the easiest party is making 2 clerics and 2 wizards. If you really want to comfortably be able to beat the game without too much trouble that is. Give everyone the improved initiative feat, you have 4 casters so they need to go first in combat. Give Scribe scrolls to the clerics so they can exchange spells and craft healing scrolls whenever required. Enable max HP and at least one 18 in the settings. This is an optimal wizard: INT 20 (pick elf obv.) , CON at least 14, DEX as much as possible with 20 being best. The rest doesn't matter. This is how you strife to equip the wizard:
+6 INT, DEX, CON items asap, cloak of concealment asap (take the craft wondrous item feat on one wizard at lvl5, craft magic arms and armor one the other also at level 5, the normal craft weapon feat you'll also need on a cleric for instance, plus craft wand is useful too)
10 AC
+2 mithril leather +5
+8 DEX bonus (20+6 item)
+2 mithril shield +5
+2 Pro Evil
+4 Foresight
Final AC: 38

Do the same for the clerics, except +6 WIS items of course, plus you'll only ever need 16 DEX (incl. +DEX item) because mithril full plate only allows for +3 DEX bonus)
10 AC
+ 8 +5 mithril full plate
+2 +5 shield
+ 3 DEX
+ 2 Pro Evil
Final AC: 35

Unfortunately there are no protection rings for deflection AC and also no items/spells that grant a natural armor bonus. (but Blue Salamander mentions deflection rings above, so I probably misremember that, obviously get as much deflection AC as possible on everyone) The haste spell might give a slight AC bonus and perhaps there are additional cleric buffs but I forgot, so this is probably as good as it gets AC-wise. Remember that good AC is coupled with 50% concealment from the cloaks of concealment on everyone (craft asap) for excellent defense.

You cannot carry a shield and a weapon and cast at the same time. For casting you have to unequip either shield or weapon. Unequip the weapon in most circumstances (shield gives AC). You can have a "melee cleric". Give him a wand (1d6 blunt weapon) , enchant this wand with Divine Power 50 charges, then enchant it to be +5 holy destruction. So, one of your cleric can use this weapon and cast Divine Power without unequiping anything.
At the beginning you can mostly work with sleep and/or sound burst and coup the grace the enemies. Later on you have so much casting power it shouldn't be that difficult anyway.
Once you have all the crafting feats you need (spread them over the party even craft rings is useful at high levels) take the spell penetration feats and (greater) spell focus enchantment on the wizards.
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Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby Waterd103 » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:57 pm

if you want an easier game you can play with MAX HP and MAX stats.
Though share scrolls and crafting already make the game quite soft imo.
Your clerics should have infinite spells thanks to scribe scrolls. Infinite true resurrection. Infinite whatever you need.
Not to say with craft your fights can be machines of death. Im not sure where you are stumbling. But If you want the game to be easier

MAX stats
Have 1 wizard, 1 cleric and 1 knight at least.

If you want though, send me your save, and I will make a video on how i would get through. (or in case the build is too weak, point out how would i improve it in another run)
Marilith (CR 17)
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Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby Waterd103 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:32 pm

Ok, I got the save.
I agree with the setup im given the game is impossible to beat.
You nead at LEAST a single holy weapon (notice that you are given a few during the game, but you sold them) or a weapon with Destruction (again you dont have and sold the ones you get in the game regularly)
You can enchant a weapon with holy but you have no XP (so you would have to grind)
Or instead of all that you could have scribe scroll (too late you didnt pick it already). And basically scribe 100 scrolls of Searing light.

When in a team with 2 knights and 2 clerics, you dont have scribe scroll feat or a holy weapoin i agree the game is impossible give me only one cleric with scribe scroll or a weapon with destruction or holy, and the game is possible to beat (And I would do close to 100% of the time at that point).
To conclude the only problem is that you have no way to do damage to The giant dragon, you could be hitting him all eternity, and you would never kill him.
Searing light though can get through his defenses, but you cant cast enough of them to kill them. And of course a holy weapon would do the job.
Marilith (CR 17)
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Re: Will this 2nd time around Be POSSIBLE TO BEAT GAME?

Postby Marrs » Wed May 10, 2017 11:38 am

Waterde103 wrote:All you need in a team to be able to beat the game is at least 1 cleric, with one cleric, the other 3 are irrelevant, you can still beat the game.

It's going to be difficult to beat the game with those settings but good luck.
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