- While sometimes it felt good to triumph over foes due to our finding exploits, once we realized that anything not immune to web very frequently treated escaping it as the highest priority, we effectively won the game very early. Once we saw the final red dragon boss helplessly flail around in it and even dispel himself to escape the web, we laughed."
Web is so good at crowd control that it can make the final boss show its arachniophobia! (That’s fear of webs, not fear of spiders.) This spell a large area that, immunities aside, auto-entangles with an attempt to stuckify on initial cast every 5’ step! Non-immune enemies are also apparently allergic to web, making them want to flee it ASAP! Maybe it’s because so few things in this game have a good Reflex save.
Endarire wrote:AOE DAMAGE: FIREBALL!!!, lightning bolt, cone of cold, dehydrate, acid blast. Most fights are against notably large groups of foes where “fireball formation” applies. Often, victory came with one spell and that was usually fireball or cone of cold, likely metamagicked.
"Facing large quantities of foes so often only reinforced our view that Fighters/Knights were worthless compared to casters since Fighters can only target normal AC (grappling aside) and hit single targets while casters can bypass these limits."
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