Bug reports

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Re: Bug reports

Postby Rasputin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:52 pm

A character performed a Whirlwind Attack. One of the enemies was killed by the attack. Cleave was not triggered.
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Re: Bug reports


Re: Bug reports

Postby Rasputin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:45 pm

Not sure if bug or design:

Huge Scorpion is standing astraddle a long 5' wide sewer trench. When I missed him in combat with my bow, I checked the combat output and it said that the scorpion had the condition "swimming" and, as a result, received a +8 untyped bonus to AC. This seems way off.

Checking the SRD:

I think I see where it came from, although I still disagree with the interpretation. They say:
"Characters swimming, floating, or treading water on the surface, or wading in water at least chest deep, have improved cover (+8 bonus to AC, +4 bonus on Reflex saves) from opponents on land."

However, the scorpion isn't actually IN the water. It's straddling the goop with its feet on dry land on either side. It takes up 9 squares, and only the middle three are over the water tiles. Not sure why that is being called "swimming, floating, or treading water" when most of it isn't actually "in" the water, if at all.

I decided to try an experiment. I moved all my dudes into the water. Let's see if the scorp retains his AC bonus now that I am not on land.

AHA! The scorpion STILL gets the +8 to AC even though it only applies to attacks from opponents on land, and I am swimming next to him.

Bug. And I am not referring to the scorpion.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:44 am

In the monk character screen under the feats tab, the help area for 'deflect arrows' is not displaying properly, and if you right click on it you get an empty help page.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Rasputin » Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:50 am

Completed the huge battle with the Goblin King (the one that starts off with the huge scorpion that loves to swim).

Continued to the West towards the big green pool room (the one with the chunk of amber next to it) and headed to the North around the pool.

Game freezes with the sound stuck repeating like a rattle. I closed the game with the X and restarted it, and it did the same exact thing.

*edit* turns out the game was not actually --stuck--, it only acted like it was. I could still move my people around and the sound would --unstick-- but it got extremely choppy as I headed around the north.
OS: Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 OS Build 18363.900
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:39 am

Rasputin wrote:Sent two of my people up the ladder after the moon tomb.
Took on the two Babau and the psychic beetle. Beat them. CTD.
This is getting very frustrating. I'm up to nearly 100 save games purely because everything I do I have to save just in case it crashes, especially since QuickSaves are linked to corruption.

I was getting crashes going up that ladder like 2/3 times, and got one going down too. Luckily I got fairly good at winning the Babau/beetle fight reliably and quickly.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:51 am

bluehinter wrote:[*]I haven't yet figured out why some items appear in your group inventory, but clicking on them loads them into your character's possessions, but there's no way to transfer back to group inventory. (Items like the cryptic note for example)

It is because the group inventory is really just showing items in the other party members' packs, so by definition, every item not in the inventory of the character you are viewing is in the group inventory. If you give it to somebody else it will also show up in the group inventory again (though possibly in a different spot). The group inventory isn't too bad once I've gotten used to it, but it is not intuitive at first and I am convinced there must be a better way to do the inventory.

bluehinter wrote:And not so much a bug a gamer-punishing flaw: The game expects you to have an encyclopedic knowledge of spell/attack ranges and travel paths, and know *exactly* what action you want to perform from the get-go. Deciding you'd rather do something else or discovering that enemy isn't in range of your attack/spell, almost always results in a "you cancel your action" which effectively means you've just lost your turn, in a fight against enemies that pull no punches. (Sometimes you can hit right click to back out of a decision, but other times you can't. It's not consistent.) This may be some exceeding draconian 3.5 rule to prevent characters from waffling or saying "no, I didn't meant to do that" but it makes for a very annoying and unfriendly cRPG experience, especially as there's no real tutorial to speak of.

As single player cRPGs are meant to be played at your own pace, who cares if you decide to back out of performing an action, as long as you haven't pulled the trigger so to speak?
Personally, I'd say this element of punishing the player for not being a D&D 3.5 expert should be removed from the game entirely, or at the very least, there should be a menu option where cancelling an attack/spell doesn't result in a lost action, ideally independent of the "Easy" setting.

I think I've seen a mix. I seem to be able to back out of spells (at least most of the time). Certain actions, and I can't remember what they are, seem to use up its associated action even if I didn't go through with it. I think it happened once when I canceled out of my Cleric's Pandemonium ability.

bluehinter wrote:Also tied in with this, item use and purchasing is also overly confusing. You can't preview what effects armor/weapons will have on your player and which spells are learnable/castable prior to purchase. And even if it's in your inventory, half the time items that you can't use because of your class or level aren't highlighted red. Often they look completely normal, except when you click on them or drag them nothing happens and sometimes (but not always) you may get a pop-up telling you you can't do that because you're not the right level/class.

I don't think I've seen this for equipment in stores. Have you tried right clicking on items in the store to see their details? Spells are annoying in this regard, when I find a scroll and right click it just gives the spell name without a link to the help. If I don't know what it is I have to look it up from the help start page. But there is no alphabetical list. I have to first find the right class, then the right level, then find the spell. Or go to a browser and look it up online and hope it matches what is in the game.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Rasputin » Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:10 am

There seems to be some sort of odd interaction between Rapid Shot and the Swift weapon enchantment. It can often get stuck in some weird loop of Rapid Shot where it just keeps shooting, using up your arrows, each time lowering your chance of hitting by X amount. Currently, my character is shooting a Psionic Beetle and he is on 103/4 of his rapid shots.

I have saved a screenie of such a combat's results. For that time, the decreasing attack bonus got up to -230. Surprisingly enough, I am not sure that a nat20 still hits. I did, after all, fire 102 times, and I don't think I hit anywhere near 5 times.

It's all "ha ha, fun bug, keep shooting until you use up all your arrows or it dies", but keep in mind as I mentioned on another thread, sometimes your party members pay the ultimate price for your archery practice. If a character is in between you and the enemy and you get stuck in this loop, you can kiss them goodbye.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:23 am

In the weapon enchantment help, the greater splash enchantments don't seem to have any help page linked to them.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Hesmah » Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:21 am

Champion's Divine Armour doesn't work, still getting penalties to speed. At least from Golden Cuirass.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby Hesmah » Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:49 am

Warlocks gain extra pp from intelligence instead of charisma. Help says it should be cha
Last edited by Hesmah on Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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