Rasputin wrote:Sent two of my people up the ladder after the moon tomb.
Took on the two Babau and the psychic beetle. Beat them. CTD.
This is getting very frustrating. I'm up to nearly 100 save games purely because everything I do I have to save just in case it crashes, especially since QuickSaves are linked to corruption.
bluehinter wrote:[*]I haven't yet figured out why some items appear in your group inventory, but clicking on them loads them into your character's possessions, but there's no way to transfer back to group inventory. (Items like the cryptic note for example)
bluehinter wrote:And not so much a bug a gamer-punishing flaw: The game expects you to have an encyclopedic knowledge of spell/attack ranges and travel paths, and know *exactly* what action you want to perform from the get-go. Deciding you'd rather do something else or discovering that enemy isn't in range of your attack/spell, almost always results in a "you cancel your action" which effectively means you've just lost your turn, in a fight against enemies that pull no punches. (Sometimes you can hit right click to back out of a decision, but other times you can't. It's not consistent.) This may be some exceeding draconian 3.5 rule to prevent characters from waffling or saying "no, I didn't meant to do that" but it makes for a very annoying and unfriendly cRPG experience, especially as there's no real tutorial to speak of.
As single player cRPGs are meant to be played at your own pace, who cares if you decide to back out of performing an action, as long as you haven't pulled the trigger so to speak?
Personally, I'd say this element of punishing the player for not being a D&D 3.5 expert should be removed from the game entirely, or at the very least, there should be a menu option where cancelling an attack/spell doesn't result in a lost action, ideally independent of the "Easy" setting.
bluehinter wrote:Also tied in with this, item use and purchasing is also overly confusing. You can't preview what effects armor/weapons will have on your player and which spells are learnable/castable prior to purchase. And even if it's in your inventory, half the time items that you can't use because of your class or level aren't highlighted red. Often they look completely normal, except when you click on them or drag them nothing happens and sometimes (but not always) you may get a pop-up telling you you can't do that because you're not the right level/class.
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