Development Update

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Re: Development Update

Postby SkepticsClaw » Tue May 12, 2009 10:17 pm

Got wind of this via YouTube and my bowels almost exploded. You have a definite buyer here, it's just so great to see a new and defiantly old-school RPG in development!

Keep up the great work people... I shall be watching...
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Re: Development Update


Re: Development Update

Postby MonkeyLancer » Sat May 16, 2009 6:20 pm

SkepticsClaw wrote:You have a definite buyer here, it's just so great to see a new and defiantly old-school RPG in development!

I would definitely like to second that sentiment. I am thrilled that I discovered this nearing its completion, it would have been torture for me to endure it's progression.
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun May 17, 2009 1:50 pm

Thanks SkepticsClaw and MonkeyLancer, and welcome to the forums!

Can't post a detailed update today, as mostly I've been working on the quest-journal mechanics, and thinking up ways to make the game harder and more interesting in certain places.
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Re: Development Update

Postby MonkeyLancer » Sun May 17, 2009 8:35 pm

Ello ello,

I have some comments and queries for you!

One thing I noticed in the gameplay video which I thought was cool, and I'm hoping is not merely graphical glitch was the burning hands destroying the webbing it hit. I believe I saw somewhere on the forum a discussion about spells effecting other spells like that somewhere..

It may be odd of me but one of the things I loved about TOEE and even in some of the Gold Box games like Pool of Radiance had a massive array of atypical weaponry (for fantasy rpgs in any case) like falchions, ranseurs, javelins, military forks etc. I find it helps make an interesting variety of martial characters. so I'm curious what your weapon list is like..or even starting equipment list if you are feeling generous? :mrgreen:

Best of Luck!

edit: mostly grammatical ..ack!
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Re: Development Update

Postby Lurking Grue » Sun May 17, 2009 11:10 pm

MonkeyLancer wrote:so I'm curious what your weapon list is like..

You might find this page interesting ->
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Mon May 18, 2009 7:50 pm

MonkeyLancer wrote:One thing I noticed in the gameplay video which I thought was cool, and I'm hoping is not merely graphical glitch was the burning hands destroying the webbing it hit. I believe I saw somewhere on the forum a discussion about spells effecting other spells like that somewhere..
It's not a glitch. Fire effects like burning hands, fireball and a fire breath will destroy the webs. Additionally:
- creatures stuck in a web while receiving these effects take extra fire damage
- fire elementals burn the webs wherever they go
- a character wielding a flaming weapon is automatically successful on the roll to break free from a web.

MonkeyLancer wrote:starting equipment list if you are feeling generous?
That depends on the character's feats, for example if you pick weapon focus greataxe you will start with that, and if you pick two weapon fighting you will start with two weapons (a light weapon in the left hand).
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Re: Development Update

Postby MonkeyLancer » Thu May 21, 2009 9:40 pm

Thanks Grue, how did you find that without a flashlight or torch?

I have more questions for you if you don't mind horribly. I noticed the weather effects,which are awesome, but will there also be a switch from daylight to darkness as well as time progresses?

That is quite clever, having fire effect webs like that, btw.
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri May 22, 2009 8:41 pm

MonkeyLancer wrote:I have more questions for you if you don't mind horribly. I noticed the weather effects,which are awesome, but will there also be a switch from daylight to darkness as well as time progresses?
Sure I don't mind the questions at all. There's a gradual change between daylight and darkness and back, that's one of the nice things allowed by DirectX.
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Re: Development Update

Postby MonkeyLancer » Sat May 23, 2009 5:15 pm

After being laid off a few months ago (thanks economic crisis), I've decided I'll be going back to school in September, so now I have an abundance of free time.

So after seeing your review of Dark Sun: Shattered Lands I decided to investigate the game which is proving to be quite enjoyable. After doing some reading I'm finding that the setting is one of the more interesting in the D&D world. I believe you also have a fondness for that setting based on your including Mul, Thri-Kreen and possibly others in your world. If you were to add other playable races with a waving of a magical wand what would you add, and would they be more Dark-Sunny or be derived from your mind? And what other wish-list like things would lov to add but you cannot for whatever reasons?
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun May 24, 2009 1:14 pm

Yeah, my favourite settings are Dark Sun and Dragonlance.

MonkeyLancer wrote:If you were to add other playable races with a waving of a magical wand what would you add
First I'd add the basic D&D races - gnome, halfling, dwarf, elf and half-orc. Then yeah, it would be cool to be able to play thri-kreen and half-giant. I'd give a very low dexterity and low wisdom to the half giant though, to compensate for his extraordinary strength. There may be a problem also, if the game allows a half-giant and a halfling to wear the same armour.

Then there are the 'evil' races. Orc, goblin, kobold, kuo-toa, lizardman, troglodyte, salamander, formian and drow would all be nice to have as playable races, provided some kind of balance can be achieved. The rest are too powerful to use as player race.

Other fun things... The disarm and sunder actions. Disarm can't be done without teaching the AI to go and pick up a lost weapon. Sunder means items can be totally destroyed, meaning you may lose your +5 sword of doom or heavenly shield of elemental immunity.

Multiclassing. Simply because it's complicated and prone to bugs. Also it's unusual in fantasy works - you'll see rogues, barbarians and wizards in films and books but rarely a half-wizard, half-warrior.

Proper summoning, can't be done unless your bestiary contains the entire Monster Manual. Proper polymorphing, can't be done for the same reason and because of the mess in terms of size changes.

Non linear campaigns, non combat spells like talk to animal or talk to the dead, hydras where you can target a particular head, flying, horse-riding, swimming, etc, etc, there's a whole lot that can't be done (or is very difficult to do) in a cRPG.
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