Got wind of this via YouTube and my bowels almost exploded. You have a definite buyer here, it's just so great to see a new and defiantly old-school RPG in development!
Keep up the great work people... I shall be watching...
SkepticsClaw wrote:You have a definite buyer here, it's just so great to see a new and defiantly old-school RPG in development!
MonkeyLancer wrote:so I'm curious what your weapon list is like..
It's not a glitch. Fire effects like burning hands, fireball and a fire breath will destroy the webs. Additionally:MonkeyLancer wrote:One thing I noticed in the gameplay video which I thought was cool, and I'm hoping is not merely graphical glitch was the burning hands destroying the webbing it hit. I believe I saw somewhere on the forum a discussion about spells effecting other spells like that somewhere..
That depends on the character's feats, for example if you pick weapon focus greataxe you will start with that, and if you pick two weapon fighting you will start with two weapons (a light weapon in the left hand).MonkeyLancer wrote:starting equipment list if you are feeling generous?
Sure I don't mind the questions at all. There's a gradual change between daylight and darkness and back, that's one of the nice things allowed by DirectX.MonkeyLancer wrote:I have more questions for you if you don't mind horribly. I noticed the weather effects,which are awesome, but will there also be a switch from daylight to darkness as well as time progresses?
First I'd add the basic D&D races - gnome, halfling, dwarf, elf and half-orc. Then yeah, it would be cool to be able to play thri-kreen and half-giant. I'd give a very low dexterity and low wisdom to the half giant though, to compensate for his extraordinary strength. There may be a problem also, if the game allows a half-giant and a halfling to wear the same armour.MonkeyLancer wrote:If you were to add other playable races with a waving of a magical wand what would you add
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