Bug reports

This is the place to provide bug reports and suggestions about KotC 2 Augury of Chaos.

Re: Bug reports

Postby Atoch » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:04 am

Bug - or feature?
I just noticed that the wisdom-based monk-dodge-bonus isn't influenced if your monk wears an item with a wisdom enhancement or has an 'enhance ability' spell on him. (I didn't test wisdom penalties)

Unrelated to that the A.I seems sometimes so surprised by its own decision that it can't help but crash the game.
Ver. 1.03
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Re: Bug reports


Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:51 am

The red wizard 50% fire energy resistance after transforming does not seem to work. A power fireball rolled 66 damage, 10 was subtracted due to another item, for a total of 56. I didn't see any 50% adjustment in the combat log. Unless it actually rolled 132 damage and didn't show it? Either way it is a bug.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:17 am

Twice I've seen a gust of wind spell go through fog squares and fail to dispel the fog, without any indication of anything in the combat log.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:40 pm

During the 2nd fight entering the castle (the one with the nasty red dragon, after taking out the walls), at some point during the fight I started to get graphical glitches. When I would have my mouse on the battle area, a lot of squares would show up as blank/white. When the mouse was on the action menu the display would be correct. While that was glitching, I started to use a scroll of mass heal, canceled, moved, and tried again, and that option was gone from the menu (I had 3 of them, so even if the cancelation used 1, which it shouldn't have, I still should have had the option). The only thing I can think of that may have caused this is my archdemon companion died during the fight and there was a little dialog where he says "noooo.....", maybe the dialog popping up mid-combat broke something? Not sure. I was very anxious that the game would crash, but I managed to finish the fight and save much to my relief.

(Unfortunately, during the final clean-up rounds I totally forgot to res one of my dead chars, maybe because I was anxious about the glitch, so I lost out on a lot of XP for that char, so I may do the fight again anyway, maybe I can also keep the archdemon alive).

Edit: Redid that battle for a "better" outcome, also got a couple of crashes when the enemy psychic healer was attempting to act, probably the same bug as the warlock and those golems at the gates. I also had at least one try where the demon died and I didn't get those white block artifacts, so that may not be the cause. However, just about every time I go far into that battle, the game seems to bog down after a while, and the combat animation speed seems to get slower or choppy at times, as well as scrolling the map to find targets.
Last edited by jms123 on Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:15 am

If I make the archdemon that joins for the castle area my party leader, I cannot undo it. It says there is not enough space to swap the formation, regardless of how I shift things around. The demon takes 4 spaces. Even if I create a gap of 6 spaces to swap into, it says there is not enough space to swap.

Edit: finally got it to swap by just randomly trying stuff until it worked, but it is not checking the swap space correctly.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:20 am

Prismatic wall gives a "100%" indication on flying enemies, when it can't actually affect flying enemies (sometimes I space out and just look at the percent).
Edit: Meanwhile for "evil cultist" the same spell does have an effect but it is marked as "-" indicating no possible effect when targeting.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby jms123 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:59 am

I had an enemy warlock feebleminded and it appeared to be stuck "thinking", I waited a while and it didn't finish, much longer than usual.
Planetar (CR 16)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby aterrill » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:19 pm

jms123 wrote:During the 2nd fight entering the castle (the one with the nasty red dragon, after taking out the walls), at some point during the fight I started to get graphical glitches. When I would have my mouse on the battle area, a lot of squares would show up as blank/white. When the mouse was on the action menu the display would be correct. While that was glitching, I started to use a scroll of mass heal, canceled, moved, and tried again, and that option was gone from the menu (I had 3 of them, so even if the cancelation used 1, which it shouldn't have, I still should have had the option). The only thing I can think of that may have caused this is my archdemon companion died during the fight and there was a little dialog where he says "noooo.....", maybe the dialog popping up mid-combat broke something? Not sure. I was very anxious that the game would crash, but I managed to finish the fight and save much to my relief.

(Unfortunately, during the final clean-up rounds I totally forgot to res one of my dead chars, maybe because I was anxious about the glitch, so I lost out on a lot of XP for that char, so I may do the fight again anyway, maybe I can also keep the archdemon alive).

Edit: Redid that battle for a "better" outcome, also got a couple of crashes when the enemy psychic healer was attempting to act, probably the same bug as the warlock and those golems at the gates. I also had at least one try where the demon died and I didn't get those white block artifacts, so that may not be the cause. However, just about every time I go far into that battle, the game seems to bog down after a while, and the combat animation speed seems to get slower or choppy at times, as well as scrolling the map to find targets.

I am seeing this as well on 1.03 though it is just at various places on the map. Repeatedly on the northwest tower, and also with the southern exterior fight with the black dragon. Thanks
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Re: Bug reports

Postby SkeletonMan » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:09 pm

I'm getting a problem where Elder Ragaak is not giving a quest for the symbol of Aldroth or is not acknowledging the symbol is in my inventory. Before, if I had the symbol in my inventory, I would get a dialogue option to turn in the symbol for a quest reward.
Goblin (CR 1/3)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby groeteede » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:56 am

Just chiming in to say im getting a lot of crashes in the bigger fights. Spider fight i must have retried 15 times before i could successfully complete it. castle gates bombs out everytime i try it, generally on the psionicist guys.

crashes are:
- it hangs at 'thinking', which fairly quickly crashes to desktop
- it hangs at 'thinking' and just sits there. Can hit esc to go back to main menu etc. Current session is dead though.
- random crash to desktop

I've only really played it much since 1.03
Goblin (CR 1/3)
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